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Help editing a simple script...

Hey, this poster nammed el felixio posted not a script, but he told us how to edit one of the original script to display the actor battlers on the left side of the screen instead of being on the bottom, like in Final Fantasy. Only problem is, not sure which script it was... one of the battle ones?

Anyway, the was it was displayed was ugly... like this:


And I don't really like it..., I want it more like this:


I just need to know where in the script I could edit the X and Y positions of the party actors. Also, the earlier party members overlap each other. Like, the first one overlaps the second, the second overlaps the third, and the third overlaps the fourth. Looks very unnatural, as it should be the other way around. If I change the Z's (Example, Actor1.Z = 100, Actor2.Z = 90, etc...) would it work? Or do I have to do something else?
Hey, Fomar! I'm using your Random Battle Music script! ^.^

Anyway, I just realized that the positions of the characters work (One of the characters were large in width) so now I just need to get rid of the overlapping.

Also, forsome reason, when I use Vash's Tales of Symphonia save system, I can't save. Any reason why?
Also, forsome reason, when I use Vash's Tales of Symphonia save system, I can't save. Any reason why?
None, I've never seen the script (as in looked at the code), you could check and see if anyone one else had the same problem in it's thread though.

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