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Help converting to Hash

I don't know why, but saving loads of data in a rxdata file is a lot more attractive to me. Anyway, I have Fomar0153's FFV Job System and Trickster's Support Abilities system modified to suit my needs with custom scenes and all.

Looking at the code, I prefer Trickster's method of adding abilities over the messy in-script way of adding Jobs... plus I ditched half of the FFV job system anyway, so it needs a rewrite.

Getting to the point: I need someone that's willing to take my game into their hands and go over the scripts, changing the job system to load data from a rxdata file, yet still function almost the way it does now. That same person also needs to be able to talk on AIM, MSN, GTalk or Y! So I can go into more detail once that's all said and done.

I tried this myself, but I don't know enough RGSS to convert a two-dimensional array and methods to hash and methods.

Either respond here or contact me and we'll talk, thanks.

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