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Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.

Helloooo All :)

Hello all, I've been lurking around.. on my brothers account, BUT now he is in a Full WoW, playing life so Here I am!

Lets see..What should I write? okey A little bit of myself, I'm ...Me, I'm pretty much me and I like to be me!, I also like Warcraft 3 on the Reason of the RP games there, thats my faveourite part.

I just wanted to Say Hello!!!!!, And to meet you guys for real, and not by my brother's Lurking account booboo.
My brother is (TwistedDragon) If you don't know. Anyways now for the "Hard" part Letting you guys say hello to MEEE O.o

I think I'll like to be here, but Mostly I'll be scared of some Certain people.. Well, I know those Certain people is there, only to help but I'll still be scared!.

Okey since Luminier, with his cute Avatar, Said I I may be in need of telling my Hobbies..Okey hobbies lets see, I like to draw (No master drawer, and NO I did not draw my avatar), Uhm I like things to be..Pretty and Organized and that means in my RPG's to, I like the VX uhm..RTP, But I don't say that XP's RTP=Blows, I like that to but VX is more..Pretty and Cute, and I like Pretty and cute!.
Okey my skills in RPG maker XP/VX/2000/2003/Even 95 -.- Would be that..I usually don't..No wait I do.. I'm a great "Writer" in the matter of speaking RPG maker, but I need to have the FEELING in the game, if not, I'm blank.

Well, thats some more from me.
Anyways I am CherryWolf, over and Outwards!
Certain people, eh? Would these Certain people happen to be affiliated with the site's staff? I could take a few guesses. Also, if you would, it'd be nice if you wrote a bit about your hobbies, area of skill with RMXP/VX, etc.. Just so we can all get a better feel for your personality, y'know.  :smile:

At any rate, I welcome you to RMXP.org, CherryWolf. Have a nice stay, and happy game making! :thumb:
Sixty couldn't scare a white kitten out of a shadow even if it had social anxiety disorder.

I'm sorry Sixters but you're too fuzzy and cute with your little accent :3 <3

SAY DRAWER! SAY ... CHOCOLATE! eeeeeee  :blush:
Hehe, I actually did a little "lol" right there, Well anyways Thank you all for greeting me and such..

And Venetia I just want to say, Your a pretty skilled Person, I mean, I've looked through your stuff and its pretty amazing :).

*Waves intense* Hello Venetia!

And yeah Sixty is Fuzzy AND cute?, is that ... Possible ? :eek:
JakeyZombie":esuuzijs said:
I'm pretty sure she was referring to the nefarious Teloch. Seriously though, she's one scary bitch.

Really? Sixty has always seemed scarier to me than Teloch has.
She's sort of cute, but you wouldn't cuddle her... like a kitten who can use a machine gun.
You want to go 'awww...' but you also don't want to get too close.
...That metaphor needs serious work.

Anyways, welcome to the forums, CherryWolf.
sixtyandaquarter":36dsybuc said:
gratheo":36dsybuc said:
Really? Sixty has always seemed scarier to me than Teloch has.
She's sort of cute, but you wouldn't cuddle her... like a kitten who can use a machine gun.
You just made me sad :'(
Don't worry, you're not fat so you're OK!

Welcome aboard, CherryWolf.



sixtyandaquarter":2ed3ghqn said:
Am I one of those people?
Bah course not no one fears me :(

Welcome to .org, CherryWolf.  Enjoy your stay.

I fear you and your beard.

Any who if you ever need help feel free to ask. Hope you find everything you need or want while you're here.

Welcome to the .Org! :thumb:

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