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He got dumps like a truck. Truck, truck.

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Yeah. Art dump topic, blah blah blabbity blah. C&C appreciated, of course.

Something I drew for a friend a few years back of one of her characters. Lineart was done in pencil, shading in charcoals. The color was added on top in Gimp. The head and face seem a little too accented considering the semi-realistic shading in the rest of the body, but realism never was my thing anyway.

Another gift art. I'm not particularly good at inking, as you can see by the absolute lack of line thickness, so when I do color my artwork, I just adjust the levels on my pencil work and set it to Multiply instead of making a whole new "inked" layer. Aside from his thighs being like twigs, I think it turned out pretty good, though.

Some fake pokemon. They were made before D/P, and I'd intended them to be Dark/Poison types. Barkorpse is the creepy/cute zombie puppy, and Barkadaver is his evolved form, a zombie wolf.

Pokemorph characters of mine, based on the actual team I was using in D/P. Odie is the Togekiss on the right, and Gutaine is the Staraptor on the left.

I figured she'd be like a female Cthulu. A goddess of hedonism. Thus the name. Really, though, I just wanted to draw a hot chick with an octopus body. I might even make her a monster in First Snow.
technically this stuff isn't actually bad (your anatomy (HUMAN) is actually really good)

but your subject matter is absolutely disgusting.

also those wings are WAAAY too small for the characters to realistically be able to fly with them.
missingno":1rop20fv said:
technically this stuff isn't actually bad (your anatomy (HUMAN) is actually really good)

but your subject matter is absolutely disgusting.
pretty terrible. this is kitsch
You faggots should open your minds and quit bitching about what you like about the subject matter, you ass holes. We're here to talk about the art, not what you do or don't jerk off to.
Just because he is a furry does NOT allow you berate him, read the goddamned forum rules. Ass-hats. If we wanted to know what you enjoy fapping to while being totally ignorant, we'll let you know. But I guess we already do.

also those wings are WAAAY too small for the characters to realistically be able to fly with them.
Realism check, all wings are too small for humanoid characters to realistically fly. Unless the bone density and skeletal structure resembled birds. Remember, birds are pretty aerodynamic, where as humans... not so much, you retard. Good job pointing out the obvious.
http://disney-clipart.com/tinkerbell/ti ... ixie-1.jpg[/img]
Baw! Baaaw! Wigns aer teh 2 smalz! Tehy cn't flai wit dem.

Now knock this shit off, you faggots. Its bad enough that 90% of this board draws the same goddamned manga and anime, and even worse when someone ignores that fact and bullshits all over furries for being tasteless. If you want to voice your complain, thats fine, but you could at least voice it intelligently. If people did that, oh my would the world be a better place.

Now, if we get around this bigotry...
The first picture uses a good neutral palatte, has a nice grimey, dirty feel that fits the emotion of the character.
The line work for the crow is pretty slick. Would make for a good colored picture, but it would benefit with some line weight right now if you don't plan on coloring. You have good anatomical knowledge, and that really shows you know mostly what you're doing. However the sketches show indecision and hesitation. For example, the octo-girl picture is suffering because of the same line thickness and messyness where you don't need it to be. And the lips just don't look well.

Your coloring skills could be improved upon. Its also like black and white that you're using to shade, and it absolutely destroys the inherent awesome of the piece. I mean, if the background is yellow to red, why wouldn't their highlights be yellow to red? Or at least something other than white. Like the wings of togekiss are pretty nice.
Tee hee <3

something about the colors bothers me. Or maybe it's that the pencil lines are still there on the Digitally rendered images which kinda ruins the smoothness. Might also be a saturation issue? Dun know something's irking me aboot the color

Also, missingo's kind of our resident bitch and while we do our best to love him he never returns the favor. Just brush off everything he says unless it sounds intelligent.
Tinkerbell's a fairy- she flies with magic in addition to her wings: on top of being really tiny, so the proportions work better, similar to how ants are extremetly strong because they're small. But it doesn't work with human-sized things. It's not a matter of "well it looks ok so there!!" because that's the problem- it DOESN'T look okay. Wings don't have to be ENORMOUS, but they can't be too small or else someone will look at it and instinctively feel that something's off.

Just because he is a furry does NOT allow you berate him, read the goddamned forum rules.

Skipper, I wrote the forum rules.

And I was saying a lot more than "eww gross furries". Furry art on its own is a pretty crappy hole to dig yourself into. Like anime, it will seriously limit an artist. Someone is much better off drawing actual human beings if they take their art seriously at all.

But hey whatever floats your boat, right? Some people are into animals, some people are into boobs that are so unrealistically huge that it makes the artist look like a 13 year old who just discovered that there are female out there.
M# - Much obliged for at least putting something constructive into it. Although, as Shadow mentioned, humans weren't built for flight, so no wing would look believable for flight from a scientifically sound standpoint. The Togekiss can sorta get away with it considering that the wings are more ornamental than functional, and any flight is done via magic. I see what you mean with the Staraptor, though; his wings are way too small to support him in flight, even if he had hollow bones like real birds. I'm not entirely sure how manga style is limiting to an artist, so long as s/he knows that it's a distortion of reality, and not reality itself. I agree with you, though, that life drawing is something I need to do more of. That'll also help me on my shading.

Rexx - Kitsch? Explain.

Shadow - Oh, hey, I remember you from when I was on Likwid RPG. And thank you Jesus, actual critique! I normally use neutrals and muted colors for any coloring I do, so I'm pretty sure the first one turned out as a fluke. :P You called me on the two things I'm weakest at artistically: line weight and color. The pokemorph picture was a step forward from me, as I actually picked out a palette for them rather than just resorting to the Dodge and Burn tools. But I did fail to take the background into account. And line weight is a real struggle for me, since my style of drawing is very sketchy in general. I can't draw a smooth line to save my life, and rely almost exclusively on short lines etched over and over to get the illusion of a curved line. It results in my sketches having a lot of lines looking like fly-away hairs or something. As an added bonus, the majority of my females tend to look like skinny guys in drag, complete with boobs... the octopus woman is about the most feminine woman I've ever drawn. So I'm not at all surprised that her lips suck. And... indecision and hesitation? Damn, you must major in psychology or something. I tend to have a lot of that when drawing, especially when I'm trying to break an artistic block as I was with Hedoness. I'm glad that nobody's complained about my proportions yet, even though I know for damn sure there's a few errors here and there... it's obviously my primary focus when drawing.

Mascarpone - Yeah. Like Shad said, I have a lot of work to do with colors. I think it's all of the above. I don't want to think the use of the pencil work rather than cleaned lineart ruins the picture, as I actually like the way that it looks, but that could possibly be an issue too, and if I can get a job involving drawing, that's one of the things I'll absolutely need to change, if only to please potential clients. Also, it doesn't really matter much whether or not M# has any knowledge of art techniques; just like it doesn't take a spriter to critique a sprite or a musician to critique music, it doesn't take an artist to critique art. All it takes is eyes and a sense of aesthetics.
missingno":26etmuqi said:
Tinkerbell's a fairy- she flies with magic in addition to her wings: on top of being really tiny, so the proportions work better, similar to how ants are extremetly strong because they're small. But it doesn't work with human-sized things. It's not a matter of "well it looks ok so there!!" because that's the problem- it DOESN'T look okay. Wings don't have to be ENORMOUS, but they can't be too small or else someone will look at it and instinctively feel that something's off.

Just because he is a furry does NOT allow you berate him, read the goddamned forum rules.

Skipper, I wrote the forum rules.

And I was saying a lot more than "eww gross furries". Furry art on its own is a pretty crappy hole to dig yourself into. Like anime, it will seriously limit an artist. Someone is much better off drawing actual human beings if they take their art seriously at all.

But hey whatever floats your boat, right? Some people are into animals, some people are into boobs that are so unrealistically huge that it makes the artist look like a 13 year old who just discovered that there are female out there.

Oh, you're going to pull the whole "its magic" bull crap. "How does that work?" "Magic", "Magic this Magic that", if you're just going to say shit that makes you seem right without any plausible reasoning, just shut up. But then, you said that the wings have to be realistically proportioned, and now you say they don't have to be enormous, when "realistically" proportioned (light bone structure) means they have to be enormous? What is this stupid contradictory bullshit you keep pulling?

Oh, wait, what? In order to be taken seriously, we need to draw realistically? I'm not even going to spout just how stupid that sounds. Yes, it would help a lot with skills that will come in handy. Yes it will help your art be taken more seriously. No, it is NOT what determines what an artist stands for. Unless this is troll bait as well.

Also, good pot shot, wait, no. It was totally unrelated, unwarranted, and irrelevant. Infact, it was pretty obvious what you're trying to do.
And no, you did pretty much say "eww, gross, furries, disgusting.", because thats what you said. See what I did there?

Skipper, it doesn't matter if you wrote the rules or not, its irrelevant. Infact, it makes you seem more ignorant. Its so amazing how you can say so many irrelevant things. Its like... you don't know whats going on! Its pretty funny actually.
Because what I draw has nothing to do with the thread.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/mu ... 76461c.jpg[/img]
Also, using your logic, I guess if I draw big boobs that make me seem like I just saw them, wouldn't most people that draw shitty people make them seem like they just saw them? Oh wait, that makes no sense either! Or maybe you don't know about fetishes. Or maybe you didn't see that I earn money from said fetish. Or maybe you're just a troll.
Cmon, you're not adding anything to the thread, to the argument, or to yourself, you're an EFG of TFG.
http://www.hfstival.com/gallery/albums/ ... siness.jpg[/img]

Whatever floats my boat? Water floats my boat, I don't know what you're using, but don't give it to me.

Furry art Something you want to draw because you're interested in it on its own is a pretty crappy hole to dig yourself into.
Thats what I see. Unless you're specifically targeting furries.
Shadow, you're spending way too much time on Despain.

Anyway, it's very obvious that you draw mostly guys, Onyx, because you're good with their proportions.  I usually draw women, so all my guys I try to draw look girly or completely like girls.  I suggest you try copying a few pictures of women, since it sounds like you have trouble with their proportions and face structure.  Other than that, everything looks pretty good.  I especially like the details you put into the fabrics and accessories (something I was never good at).  The only thing that strikes me as odd is that you don't have a particular style.  You don't seem to have a preferred method for coloring, and it makes your artwork seem inconsistent.  It's not a huge deal, but it's something you should consider thinking about.
Oh, you're going to pull the whole "its magic" bull crap.

what. you were the one who said the "its magic" thing. you're the one who posted tinkerbell, cheif

i don't really care. you're the kind of guy who posts 4chan images to back up and argument so clearly you are on a level that's above me!!!
missingno":u554s58v said:
Oh, you're going to pull the whole "its magic" bull crap.

what. you were the one who said the "its magic" thing. you're the one who posted tinkerbell, cheif

i don't really care. you're the kind of guy who posts 4chan images to back up and argument so clearly you are on a level that's above me!!!
Actually, YOU said it was magic. I just posted tinkerbell to show that small wings are accepted. I've never actually seen the movie peter pan. cehif.

Also. All I see from you is BAWWWW. Now get the fuck out.
You had no reason to be a complete douchebag in the first place, because if you want to say stupid things, well then god help me, I can post 4chan images.



since you don't seem to be getting it:

you are acting like a horrendous white knight right now. this isn't even about Tanuki's art anymore! you just took des' rebuttal VERY PERSONALLY for some reason and escalated it up to the point where you're just flailing it out on basis of principle! unless you're going to actually argue instead of putting on a superior attitude and posting lame 4chan pics to back yourself up, I'm going to have to ask that this stops.
Miek":qk2v0mvs said:
since you don't seem to be getting it:

you are acting like a horrendous white knight right now. this isn't even about Tanuki's art anymore, you're just flailing it out on basis of principle. unless you're going to actually argue instead of putting on a superior attitude and posting lame 4chan pics to back yourself up, I'm going to have to ask that this stops.

I threw in more thoughts to my word to his art than anyone has yet to throw in, and sudden I'm on the spot light?
Fine, I'll follow the sheep. Tanuki is a furfag and what he draws is morally and sexually repulsive.



and to sum up yours, "GET A CL00 N00B FAGGOT (4chan.)"

now cut it out and get back to the issue at hand, which is the art. if you really wanna white knight a little more, PM despain or something, but right now Tanuki's thread is getting shit all over it and I don't think him or I like that very much.
Miek":3h6ozn22 said:
and to sum up yours, "GET A CL00 N00B FAGGOT (4chan.)"

now cut it out and get back to the issue at hand, which is the art. if you really wanna white knight a little more, PM despain or something, but right now Tanuki's thread is getting shit all over it and I don't think him or I like that very much.

Yeah, no, you're doing it wrong. Re-read my post. I edited it. Also, I've yet to hear anything from you about his art. Like. At all.
Shadow, listen.

1. A fairy does not and can not represent how wings function.  It is a fictional creature and should be treated as such.
2. missingno is playing with you.  He's trying to get you mad.
3. missingno runs the forum that you're currently posting on.
4. You are derailing this topic.
5. You are now insulting the OP.

Unless you have something to add that is relevant to Onyx's artwork, stop posting.  If you want, you can carry out this conversation with missingno via PM, but I will not tolerate you spamming up Onyx's thread.

Miek beat me to it, but I don't think you quite understand that you're running into trouble very quickly and haphazardly.
The Guardian":i4q6qpbx said:
Shadow, listen.

1. A fairy does not and can not represent how wings function.  It is a fictional creature and should be treated as such.
2. missingno is playing with you.  He's trying to get you mad.
3. missingno runs the forum that you're currently posting on.
4. You are derailing this topic.
5. You are now insulting the OP.

Unless you have something to add that is relevant to Onyx's artwork, stop posting.  If you want, you can carry out this conversation with missingno via PM, but I will not tolerate you spamming up Onyx's thread.

Miek beat me to it, but I don't think you quite understand that you're running into trouble very quickly and haphazardly.
1. Furries are fictional creatures and should be treated as such.
2. I just want an intellect based argument, with reasons and observations and anecdotes. People don't seem to understand that posting random, unrelated personal information isn't exactly on topic either.
3. Amazing? Wait. No. Its not.
4. Its been derailed.
5. I'm just saying whats been said by the first two. I feel I shouldn't be punished for reiterating the same thing.
6. I've added more than anyone else in terms of actual analysis. And Its being ignored by the people who say I should post more.
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