Official Title Pending | Official Title Art Pending
as of 13/12/2015. I am happy to re-open it if desired.
Rooms are created in RPG Maker XP and uploaded using the game client.
- Multiplayer Interaction: Talk with friends!
- Visit friends' rooms!
- Feature complete RPG Maker XP emulation: If you can make it in stock RPG Maker XP, you can make it for everyone to enjoy!
- Universal Lobby area
- Scripting support*
- Custom player graphics!
*Only from within call script. See Room Limitations below.
How to use
Creating a room
Creating a custom player graphic
- Open the included MyRoom project with your RPG Maker XP installation. If it fails to open, copy and replace the included Game.rxproj file with one of your own.
- Build your room until you are ready to deploy it.
- Compress Game Data (File > Compress Game Data). Make sure to check the "Create Encrypted Archive" checkbox!
- Save the file to the same folder as HBGG's Game.exe.
- Rename the "MyRoom.exe" to "MyRoom Encrypted.exe"
- Extract it into the same folder it is in.
- Open HBGG and select "Upload Room"
- Wait for the room to upload.
Creating a custom player graphic
- Place your desired graphic in the same folder as the Game.exe
- Name it "me.png"
- Run the game.
Room Features
There are multiple changes made to the stock RPG Maker XP scripts that are supported across all rooms, and are available for everyone to use in their rooms.
- Starting an event name with [N] will make the event name appear above the event's head.
- Starting an event name with [F] will make it draw below all objects (opposite to always on top)
- Using return_to_hall in a script call will return the player to the hall exterior
Room Limitations
For one reason or another, be it for security or end-user experience, there are limitations put in place for user rooms.
- Maximum filesize is 20MB
- Menu has been disabled
- You cannot access IO, File, Dir, Thread, Win32API, $scene or $DEBUG from within a script call
- You cannot define new classes, functions or aliases from within a script call
Please Note: For the latest release of HBGG, the RPG Maker XP RTP is required.
Download version v0.2.0 (25/07/2015) - Alpha
View Changelog (Up to date with unreleased builds)
If the game hangs on startup, don't worry - I'm probably fiddling with the server or asleep. Please try again later.
If you experience any crashes, please post them in this thread.