to honor this most holy of holy days, President's day, i have created this memorial to all of our nation's great leaders. let us start at the beginning..
President lord_gradient
the founding father of our great nation,, lord_gradient. of course, during his lifetime, it was known as ''. oh how times have changed. rising up against the tyranny of the rm2k(3) community, president gradient created, a place where people would be free from oppression, no matter what maker they used-- as long as it wasn't illegal. sadly, our once great leader had faded into obscurity and died. cause of death? :mystery:
President ccoaErk
the next great leader of of this land you may well remember. President ccoaErk made the greatly difficult decision to change our nation's moniker from the humble, to the appropriately great '' which you know today. although this president's reign was widely accepted as much better than the previous, modern scholars contest the administration's "so-called greatness". nevertheless, we can all agree that without president ccoaErk, there would be no, so let us give our thanks. or not. idc
President TREG
next is the youngest of all's leaders: president TREG. president TREG's position as commander-in-chief was, and still is, a point of great controversy among scholars and political pundits. one side claims that TREG rose to power through devious means and under-handed tactics and that he "stole" the so-called "kingdom"(which is just a turn of phrase, since we all know is a democracy like any other great country); the other says that it was only through the purest of intentions and a few not-so choice words that led to his gaining his title, as well as the controversy surrounding him. but being as young as he was, president TREG could not keep up with his duties and eventually fell ill due to alcohol poisoning. he died on october 2nd, 2008. (btw never google "drunk frat boy" ;_
President Despain
President Despain(pictured above before he put on an extra 343 lbs.) is perhaps the most controversial president to ever lead during his presidency he utilized many questionable techniques towards his aims. these include "shit-posting", "lax-typing", "Faggot-tree" and "trolling". these things and more made him a contemptible figure in the public eye, but he is as-of-yet the most accomplished president this country has ever seen, and we salute him for this. as well, despain also employed many future presidents in his cabinet.
President shadow
the most short-lived president in our country's history, president shadow was assassinated on the night of his inauguration into office. the assassin's identity remains a mystery.
President Sophetia Lengyver
a bit of an odd-ball, but president Sophetia LenGyver is actually two people. Sophist Lenin and Venetia MacGyver. their presidency is the only one to be handled by two people, acting as equals. unfortunately, presidents sophist and venetia have taken a leave of absence due to trouble with the law. in their place they instated another.
Acting President Brewmeister
the current president, brewmeister, is the oldest known leader of this nation. concerns about dying in-office were abound during the election, but eventually he proved his youthful vigor by wrestling a moose into submission with his bare hands. rumors have been circulating that president brewmeister drinks heavily while doing his duties, though these may be unfounded.
we are now at the end of this look back on our nation's great leaders. the end, or... the beginning... of something new..? goodnight and have a lovely president's day
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the founding father of our great nation,, lord_gradient. of course, during his lifetime, it was known as ''. oh how times have changed. rising up against the tyranny of the rm2k(3) community, president gradient created, a place where people would be free from oppression, no matter what maker they used-- as long as it wasn't illegal. sadly, our once great leader had faded into obscurity and died. cause of death? :mystery:
the next great leader of of this land you may well remember. President ccoaErk made the greatly difficult decision to change our nation's moniker from the humble, to the appropriately great '' which you know today. although this president's reign was widely accepted as much better than the previous, modern scholars contest the administration's "so-called greatness". nevertheless, we can all agree that without president ccoaErk, there would be no, so let us give our thanks. or not. idc
next is the youngest of all's leaders: president TREG. president TREG's position as commander-in-chief was, and still is, a point of great controversy among scholars and political pundits. one side claims that TREG rose to power through devious means and under-handed tactics and that he "stole" the so-called "kingdom"(which is just a turn of phrase, since we all know is a democracy like any other great country); the other says that it was only through the purest of intentions and a few not-so choice words that led to his gaining his title, as well as the controversy surrounding him. but being as young as he was, president TREG could not keep up with his duties and eventually fell ill due to alcohol poisoning. he died on october 2nd, 2008. (btw never google "drunk frat boy" ;_
President Despain(pictured above before he put on an extra 343 lbs.) is perhaps the most controversial president to ever lead during his presidency he utilized many questionable techniques towards his aims. these include "shit-posting", "lax-typing", "Faggot-tree" and "trolling". these things and more made him a contemptible figure in the public eye, but he is as-of-yet the most accomplished president this country has ever seen, and we salute him for this. as well, despain also employed many future presidents in his cabinet.
the most short-lived president in our country's history, president shadow was assassinated on the night of his inauguration into office. the assassin's identity remains a mystery.
a bit of an odd-ball, but president Sophetia LenGyver is actually two people. Sophist Lenin and Venetia MacGyver. their presidency is the only one to be handled by two people, acting as equals. unfortunately, presidents sophist and venetia have taken a leave of absence due to trouble with the law. in their place they instated another.
the current president, brewmeister, is the oldest known leader of this nation. concerns about dying in-office were abound during the election, but eventually he proved his youthful vigor by wrestling a moose into submission with his bare hands. rumors have been circulating that president brewmeister drinks heavily while doing his duties, though these may be unfounded.
we are now at the end of this look back on our nation's great leaders. the end, or... the beginning... of something new..? goodnight and have a lovely president's day
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