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Happy New Years!


Awesome Bro

Happy New Years! What a crazy year!

Any resolutions that you will actually keep this time?

1. Quit smokings
2. Work Out MORE!
3. Save Money

Seems realistic enough!
1.) Ban moog

2.) Start that Minecraft Server (it's starting up tomorrow, fulfilling that one early!!!)

3.) Figure out a date/place for the wedding (at some point ... no rush)

4.) Poop several hundred times (over the course of the year)

5.) Continue being awesome

... 2011 was a damn fine year. I can't really say too much about hopes for 2012, other than for it to be equal to or not lesser than 2011 in greatness.

Unless, of course, armaggedon strikes on dec 21st, in which case, my resolution is to be somewhere safe for that I guess
1) learn korean which directly leads to
2) read the legendary moonlight sculptor
3) get into a real college that'll pay tuition
4) job, which leads to
5) money, enough for a
6) new laptop for quarter 4 of 2012
7) program a gui in c++ for a project
8) stop being lazy and get a license
9) stop being lazy


Awesome Bro

@moog I have faith in you!

@ven I'm right there with you on the pooping. Many many times this year! Lets see if we can break last years record!

@dax Stay motivated and remember why your going for these things!

@tysonrss Every year is conflict, lets hope it doesn't get worse!


Awesome Bro

Well, last year mine was to not smoke weed and drink as much, and I've gone an entire year without both... and to be honest, I don't even feel the need to do either, lol, it's as if I've turned t-total, lol... not to mention I've saved money, I'm gonna' see how long I can keep this up for, lol. (I haven't even had the occasional drink at special events and parties, lol)

Hmm... for this year:

1. Try and save more money (This will be hard considering I've just spent £250 on a new phone, and subscribed to something that's £20 a month, but that's not much anyway)
2. Finish the current RM* game I've got going (This may be a struggle since I've never finished an RM* game, lol, but I REALLY need to!)
3. ???
4. Profit.

5. Spend more time with my mates and less time on videogames (Although I can do both at the same time which is always a plus!)
6. Stop being lazy when it comes to getting up and getting stuff done, either in the real world or the computer world (Because you guys aren't actually real...)
7. Become a better member of these forums (I'd already class myself as a good member, but I DO shitpost/troll a little too much sometimes, I'll try and be more helpful, I promise!)
8. Try and learn a new programming language (I'd love to learn C++ but it looks so hard! I'll make an extra effort this year!)

9. I'd say work out more, but my weight isn't an issue, however, I'll go running more often since it's got to make me healthier, right? (Treadmill + Film = I forget I'm even running and sometimes fall off)
X. Eat healthier (I'm a very unhealthy eater, I'll try and squeeze more fruit and veg into my diet, probably just more of the ones I like, I'm not a fan of trying new foods, lol)

I'd say all of those seem pretty reasonable and could be achieved, there's nothing too "out there" for me on this list...
I'd probably seperate my goals into two lists. One for RPGmaking / Game making (which applies to you guys) and one for everything else (real life.)

Game Making:
1. Aside from finally completing Enex (finally), I'll want to see if I can't finish some other projects too (probably shorter things, or a dnd toolkit that I have in mind.)
2. I am interested in learning Ruby, mainly for the purpose of being able to RGSS, but also because I am a computer science major now and I want to know Ruby as well as the other programming languages I know.

Real Life:
1. Make improvements to the way I spend my free time.
2. Achieve better grades at uni. Get an internship
3. Make a couple new friends or so. I have a nice group of friends, but sometimes it seems stagnate as we pretty much have gotten to the point where only hang out with each other and new faces are rare.



Happy New Year, peeps. I'm looking to:

1.) Get the diabeetus under better control
2.) Become somewhat adept at playing the bass guitar
3.) Generally be healthier; this doesn't directly tie in w/ diabetes because this one is more about my improving my upper body strength and working towards defined abs
4.) Find someone who isn't a pussy and will fight a bit [recreationally].
Maybe I'm late, but I have a few resolutions to share.

1. Stop editing so much. The only games I've ever released were for contests with deadlines. The other projects are either, well, abandoned or barely made. I've rewritten the storyline for Scavenger about 3 times, now? Probably should make some dungeons and just release it.

2. Make new friends-- sortof important for first year of college! Hoping I can still enjoy a social life even with rigorous coursework and gammaking on the side...

3. Be happy, stop worrying about all the crap I need to do, and start living in the moment.



1) Get to 55 kilos (or 120 pounds...depends if I'm in Japan or the US, lol.)
2) Complete SOMETHING...ANYTHING...a video, a game, a picture... i excel at starting things!
3) Decide what I wanna do in life

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