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Handling Event Calls Through Scripting

Ok I am creating this crazy scene where you can harvest crops and such, and I can certainly do this through events. The only problem is that the event code is way too long for any user to possible comprehend and we all know that without the users understanding of how the script works, the script if pretty mush useleff. I need to write script in the script editor to execute event like attributes, but am unsure how to do the following things in the script editor:
  1. Change the graphic of a certain event (like Event 001), and also being able to control the way the graphic faces (like if I had a characterset with each tile being a different item, so I would need to get the 3rd item in the second row)
  2. Create a battle animation on a certain event (like a sword animation on Event 001)
  3. Change the tint
  4. Add a "wait" time
  5. Add a message
Any help with these topics would be most appreciated, and most definitely worthy of a rightful place in my "thanks to" portion.
Here goes...

1) To change the graphic of event:

Add this under class Game_Character 1
attr_accessor :character_name
attr_accessor :character_hue

Then, use a call script with:
event = $game_map.events[event_id]
event.character_name = 'Name Of Characterset'
event.character_hue = hue (0 to 360)

To change direction, use:
event = $game_map.events[event_id]

2) Use a call script with:
event = $game_map.events[event_id]
event.animation_id = animation_id

3) Change a tint of what?

4) Do you mean a wait based call script?

Something like:
for i in 0...(seconds * 10)
  sleep 0.1

5) Do you mean just show a message?

Call Script:
$game_temp.message_text = "This is some text,
  what's good about this is, you don't have
  to quote each line, and the interpretter
  automatically makes this a 4 line message."

I haven't tried it, but that should work (and the fact that I have $game_temp.message_text is just proof that I am sad :()
Yeah I can see how this would work if you used a call script in the event window, but what I am really looking for is event calls that you can make inside the script editor not the event window. For example I would like to call "$scene = Get_Tomato.new" in the event window and then all the rest would be in the script editor.

Also, by tint I mean like change the tint of the screen from almost like a day to night time thing.

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