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Gunner Design help

When I felt like taking a break from drawing battlers I ended up drawing more.
This is a sketch of a Gunner Battler that I planned on uploading when finished.
I'd like to hear suggestions about placing a tattoo on his arm.
edit: finished http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r134 ... hooter.png[/IMG]
After drawing his headband I got a idea of calling him a "star shooter". But after drawing a few stars on, I wondered what personality I could be giving him. I mean, who gets a star tattoo? Stars strike me as Feminine...
Yeah, it's a little feminine, especially paired with the sleeveless shirt and the kinda cute face. What about a cartoony "X" or a a target symbol? XD
Venetia;264068 said:
Yeah, it's a little feminine, especially paired with the sleeveless shirt and the kinda cute face. What about a cartoony "X" or a a target symbol? XD

Those are great Ideas!

I was thinking of maybe adding scars instead of a tattoo since he doesn't wear much armor.
Alternatively, you can go with something like this:

One of the reasons why the star looks feminine may be because it's fairly round and neat. If you go with something more jagged (i.e. pointy) or sketchy, it starts to appear less feminine :)
Its been awhile but I got around to finishing this guy!
I'll post this battler in the DLM as soon as I make a matching sprite for him.
He looks VERRRRRRRRRY young, colored. Was that intended?

It's probably the enormous anime eyes. If you intend for him to be older, it's commonplace for anime styles to squint the eyes more with age.
Well, I kept changing his look. His legs were shorter making him look really young. How young does he look? I redid the eyes to match with the battlers in the rtp, I think he looks about the same age as Arshes. I'll need to darken the eyes to make it work with the rtp, I'll be removing the whistle in his mouth (if you were wondering what it was) it looks bad when downsized.
This was just a sketch that I felt like turning into a battler for people to use. I didn't draw him with a specific age in mind, but I can make him look older. I could make a older version if anyone asks.

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