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Guillaume777's Multi Slot Equipment version 6

Seeing that he's here (I swear. I saw him here) I woulda rather he posted 6.2.1 here himself. Instead, I'll post the demo for you right HERE and hope he'll post it (or hopefully a newer version... if there IS any) in the Forum Section.
Okay I ahve been waitng along time and all the new version of the script has done is ruin my game... Can anybody tell me why when I set an item to be a two handed weapon the damage is increases an incredable amount?
There was a bug in the script. It was fixed with the 6.2.1 version I think, certainly a fix was posted. However, it went along with .net
I may have the fix in my project, but I changed the battle algorithms of my game to eliminate ATK as a stat, and rewrote a few associated things, so it might just be that I changed something to render the bug redundant rather than ever getting it fixed.
If you wanted the simplest of features, I don't recall having any errors with version 4. I might be able to post that later, but you should post in the lost script section. That way you aren't cluttering this part of the forum and you don't have to waste your time bumping ;) .
It's for a patch/fix for v 6.2.1 that corrects a weird double-weilding pdef (or like) glitch. The patch was posted in .net, but lost when .net went down.

Didn't know about the patch myself, though I still kept a copy of 6.2.1 unmodified lying around.

Would like to have it myself.
Dark Ruby said:
Oh, dear god... don't be so depressed. Lighten up man, just because somebody didn't reply doesn't mean they won't ever reply.

And stating the problem sometimes helps....

I did state the problem read all the posts. Anyway if someone could post the latest version or version 4 I woudl be really grateful thanks to the peopl who replied!

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