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GubiD's Large Events - VX

GubiD's Large Events

Description:This script allows you to generate events (by use of comments) that acquire more than one tile for their movements and triggers. This allows you to place a single door tile that works on multiple tiles and the like.

VX Demo 1.0

Script Only

#  Create event using comment with the following text:
#  ## is the size in which this event should be.  2 is recommended, but it
#  is expandable to any number technically.
#  ## is the type in which this event should be.  Default type is 0.
#  Use the type diagrams below to decide which TYPE is best for your event
#  X is actual X,Y placement of event. 0 are extra cells that belong to the event
#  due to enlargement.  Size will determine how far this should go.
#size 2  |  3
#  0 for normal large
#   X0  | X00
#   00  | 000      ETC
#       | 000
#  1 for reverse large
#   00  | 000
#   X0  | 000      ETC
#       | X00
#  2 for flood based large ( cases 1 and 2 size shown below )
#    0  |   0
#   0X0 |   000
#    0  |  00X00    ETC
#       |   000
#       |   0
# Player Large Commands
#   Since the player is not an event and you cannot 'comment' them to make them
#   larger, I have provided this method of which you can increase their size and
#   large TYPE.  
#   .char_size = #
#   .char_type = #
#   Where # is the size or type(defined above) that you want the player to
#   emulate.  

Known Issues
- Vehicle movement does not work. They all must move like the player normally does already.
I made a misspelling near the end of the script that forces all vehicle movement to be affected. The short answer is there is an easy solution.

Open the script editor and search "@behicle"
Update the spelling to be "@vehicle"

Vehicle movement should now work. :)

How to Give Credit:
Please give credit to GubiD at some point of your game. Be that Title, special character or simply ending credits.

supergodjesus for testing
To my youtubers for suggesting this

This is offered without warranty of any type, nor is it implied. Usage of this script is at your own risk. Bugs may or may not be resolved. This work can be edited and redistributed freely.
That flood technique for finding acquired positions was used in my tbs. It has been through the ringer! I dont suspect this should conflict with other scripts either since it is alias'd all the way through. Anyway, let me know if you do run into anything.
New Bug Reported yesterday

- Vehicle movement does not work. They all must move like the player normally does already.
I made a misspelling near the end of the script that forces all vehicle movement to be affected. The short answer is there is an easy solution.

Open the script editor and search "@behicle"
Update the spelling to be "@vehicle"

Vehicle movement should now work. :)

Thank you for viewing

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