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Guardian's Artwork and Experiments

Before I decided that I wanted to work towards becoming a video game designer, I was hoping to become a graphic designer.  I still have the ambition every now and then to do something artistic, and I usually make something decent.  I'm still taking art classes in school, so that pushes me to work hard, and I usually end up with some pretty decent artwork.  Every now and then, I do some stuff to experiment, either with paper or on the computer.  I thought I'd post some of my works here every now and then to see how I can improve.

These first images I made today on my computer in Paint.net.  The first three I made using the paint brush tool and playing with the opacity.  For the other seven, I used the effects capabilities of the program.  They were all designed to be computer backgrounds, so they're pretty big. ^-^;
This first one was using mostly dark blues.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/ ... round1.png[/img]

I added some white into this one.  It gave it a crystal-like feel.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/ ... ound10.png[/img]

I'm not really sure why I wanted to do squiggles, but it came out better than I thought it would.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/ ... round2.png[/img]

I used the 'Zoom Blur' effect on this one.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/ ... round3.png[/img]

I used 'Frosted Glass' for this one.  I'm not really sure if I like it or not.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/ ... round4.png[/img]
I used 'Relief' for this one, and it made it look very 3-d-ish.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/ ... round5.png[/img]

This one is my favorite.  I made use of the 'Tile Reflection' effect.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/ ... round6.png[/img]

I took the last one and used 'Zoom Blur' on it.  It's very mesmerizing. :crazy:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/ ... round7.png[/img]

A 'Twist' effect followed by 'Zoom Blur'.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/ ... round8.png[/img]

The same 'Twist' image with 'Radial Blur' instead of 'Zoom Blur'.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/ ... round9.png[/img]

This one is an attempt at a character design for the main character for my game.  Her name is Christina, but there are some issues with this sketch.  The most obvious thing is that I couldn't get the eyes to look right for some reason.  I was thinking about coloring it, probably on the computer.

I have some more.  One is an attempt at drawing Darien, who is the main-ish character in the story I'm writing, and the second is a picture of a mouse.  They both look much better in real life, but my scanner isn't too good.  Most of the problems missingno pointed out seem to be problems in most of my character drawings, which I noticed in the Darien one after he mentioned them.  These aren't my best works.  They're more just practice at different things.

I'm much better when I copy an image instead of trying to do something from scratch.

Oh, and I found another picture of Darien that I did a while back.  I drew it, scanned it, then colored it on the computer in MS Paint.
Not a single one of those "backgrounds" is worth commenting on at all. They're each a ten-second photoshop job and they serve no purpose and aren't even too interesting to look at. Congratulations, I guess, you're able to select options from menus.

Christina looks horribly off-balance. I'd suggest that you draw a stick figure sekeleton underneath to help balance your drawings properly. The eyes are ottally fucked up. Too close together, looking different directions, different sizes, and not even next to each other.

Also, try using some real-life references.
missingno":qquhe808 said:
Not a single one of those "backgrounds" is worth commenting on at all. They're each a ten-second photoshop job and they serve no purpose and aren't even too interesting to look at. Congratulations, I guess, you're able to select options from menus.
The original image took me a while, but the others were indeed quick.  I was trying to figure out how to use some of the effects more than anything, thus being an experiment.

missingno":qquhe808 said:
Christina looks horribly off-balance. I'd suggest that you draw a stick figure sekeleton underneath to help balance your drawings properly. The eyes are ottally fucked up. Too close together, looking different directions, different sizes, and not even next to each other. 

Also, try using some real-life references.
Part of the tilt is caused by the scanning process, but it is still unbalanced.  I actually worked on this mostly during the spare time in my lunch period.  It would be much better to use references, but people look at you strange when they catch you staring at them. ^-^;

shadow":qquhe808 said:
That's really cool! I like them. It's simple and quick but those are some neat effects.
Thanks!  Sometimes the simple things can be just as good as the complicated things.  They look pretty good as backgrounds, so I'm happy with them. :smile:

This has definitely inspired me to try drawing something else.  I did have another drawing I was working on.  Maybe I should finish it.
The original image took me a while

The original looks almost like a giant blue square. It's incredibly difficult to make out ANYTHING and it's hard to believe that any effort went into it at all.

It would be much better to use references, but people look at you strange when they catch you staring at them.

They don't catch you staring at them. You're being paranoid. I study people constantly in class, and nobody ever really notices.

If you're a pussy just use a photograph.
missingno":2gwsqz7a said:
The original image took me a while

The original looks almost like a giant blue square. It's incredibly difficult to make out ANYTHING and it's hard to believe that any effort went into it at all.
I was talking about the one with the squiggly, which I used to make the effects.

missingno":2gwsqz7a said:
It would be much better to use references, but people look at you strange when they catch you staring at them.

They don't catch you staring at them. You're being paranoid. I study people constantly in class, and nobody ever really notices.

If you're a pussy just use a photograph.
I usually use photographs, but most of my artwork is spur-of-the-moment and I don't usually prepare references before I start drawing.

Anyway, I have some more.  One is an attempt at drawing Darien, who is the main-ish character in the story I'm writing, and the second is a picture of a mouse.  They both look much better in real life, but my scanner isn't too good.  Most of the problems missingno pointed out seem to be problems in most of my character drawings, which I noticed in the Darien one after he mentioned them.  These aren't my best works.  They're more just practice at different things.

I'm much better when I copy an image instead of trying to do something from scratch.

Oh, and I found another picture of Darien that I did a while back.  I drew it, scanned it, then colored it on the computer in MS Paint.

As you can see, I'm still not too good.  I'm more of a math and science person, but I enjoy art.  I don't have a "natural talent" at drawing, but it's fun, so I keep trying to get better.
The backgrounds are simple, but IMO not simple and effective. It doesn't really make me think anything in particular. If that is the effect you want then you should continue with the way you feel comfortable. If not, then play around with the effect buttons a little bit more, perhaps search for a tutorial and then change different things.

Of course I'm not familiar with paint.net so I don't know it's capabilities and limitations and that itself can be a barrier, but people can do amazing things in just paint and I myself can copy many effects of Photoshop using what I call the "ghetto version" of Paintshop Pro X. ^^; anyway what I guess I'm saying is that I'm glad you are enjoying your first attempt and messing around with the program, just keep practicing around, challenge yourself, find some tuts and practice more.

As for your character sketch, I can understand the feeling of not wanting to scare someone off by staring at them and sketching them, esp. with your peers at school. However, there are other avenues you could pursue.

You could go to a mall or public area and watch random people, ask a friend or family member to pose, take pictures of people and use them later for reference, picture google the pose/style you want, etc. You don't have to do it with just the people at school. Something I've found helpful, is that if flipping through magazines I see a particular pose or clothing style I want to use later I tear it out and started a reference portfolio (if you can't afford to buy an anatomy book)

When it comes to drawing you need to have some idea of anatomy, it doesn't need to be EXACT but facisimilate it enough to convince the casual viewer you have an idea of its placement. I understand also the thrill of wanting to put something from your head/imagination on paper right away. There is nothing wrong with that, but comong back after researching it and re-doing it later will help you a great deal. Also, I can't stress enough that practice, practice, and PRACTICE makes perfect. Listen to other artists tips and other people's points because sadly we artists can be blind to our own faults, at the same time we also can be harsh on ourselves and never be satisfied with our work. Balance is another key to remember,

^_^ Hope this all helps, can't wait to see your progression.
Most of the stuff I posted is quick stuff.  I have an ambition problem and I find it hard to work on something for extended periods of time, so my artwork is usually not too good.  I do have the ability to draw something good, but I have trouble sitting down and doing it.

Thanks for your post.  I think tomorrow I'll try doing something bigger and take my time on it.  I can do pretty good environmental drawings, but I lost my sketchbook after being absent from school for half the year with whooping cough.  Most of the stuff I do have is too big to scan.  When I really try, I'm a good sketcher.

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