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Grey Space, Comic



Right well no information here is in anyway put in stone or extemely developed, but I'm extremely eager to get some feeback on what's running through my head for a comic idea. I'll run through the jist of things, but let me just same in this comic I'm trying to combine sort of 'high school humour' based on jokes and sarcasm(however not to extreme lengths), along with 'silly antics'. Hopefully I can combine both of these into something of success.

Anyway the base I have right now is that the character based on me somehow gets banished to an 'underworld' like place. How this happens I've yet to plot out. He is to live a life without video games and other modern day technologies in this place(please note even though video games are mentioned I do not plan to throw up over this comic after eating a bunch of video game humour, though a sneaky comment may come in here and there'. Anyway this human character is to be under a sort of prohibation and is to live with two robot guardians, one being Mr.X(I inked a simplistic robot design I inked a while back, it's somewhere in the art forum). These robots are sort of layed back, and not all that responsible so the human character gets to do alot freely when at home. After learning of the modern day appliances on the 'surface world' the male robot decides to start a sort of smuggling buisness to get the goods and have a black market thing in the underworld. Upon these things are computer, and this then proves as a use of contact between my human characters, and other human characters on the surface world.

Anyway a story line that'll come about is that the human can obtain legal three day passes to the surface world, he uses them to hang with friends(which shows more of the human cast, though I won't have a huge amount), go to dinners with parents and stuff like that. More storylines come in this way, aswell as sort of one of comics which you will hear of soon later. Anyway one story line will that a shipping from the surface world get's stuck, the problem is traced down to a fat kid(who will be one of the human friends). Anyway it turns out the shipping got stuck within the dimension with the fat kids belly button. The opening comic to this will be something along the lines of a galaxy being shown and someone saying 'well here it is', and then there is a zoom out to reveal the guy's fat stomach.

Another storyline I may have is a female human getting kicked to the underworld. A certain comic in this story was going to include the bots being punished for bringing immigrants into the underworld, and for doing so were being given the burden of another human to look after. A character play off would begin or continue here, as the male robot asks who it is and the female human comes in. She is a slightly bubbly character who get's on the robot's nerves, thus the irony.

Anyhoo time for some brief outlines of strip idea's that've been floating around with me.

Human Girl Says or does something Tempered
Male Bot: What's up with her?
Male Human: What the hell do you think?
Male Bot: I don't know, but it looks like you got it too!
Male Human Looks Estranged

Female Human: Hey Male Bot Can You Grab Me A Can?
The bot brings a can
The girl takes the can and points it at the bot, it explodes on him.
Bot: My Circuits, my beautifil circuits

One where I'm on the train on the surface world, and basically in depth discussion about the clitoris comes in to play and a woman on the train looks on in shock.

The male bot get's a button on his face(the bot equivelant to a pimple, the female bot pushes it, the male goes rocketing up and due to his pointy shaped head get's stuck in the ceiling. He says 'I knew I should have gotten that flat head mod!'

There are 3 comics that consist of a storyline where my character is having dinner with his parents, one where I mix up the order at the table, one where my mother calls a D-Pad a 'plus pad' and one where kids are crowing me when I'm playing my DS. In all I pass sarcastic comments that I hope will get chuckles.

I have one which consists of my male character chatting with the female online. They have just discussed how Vagina's are similar to Diner's, and then it's said that Penis' are like Burger Van's, one person say's 'Cause you can park them anywhere?', the other replies 'That and they run out of gas'

One is a random funny where a character say's, 'hey look a new comic', the other eats it and says 'It's like a party in my mouth and everyone's saying cliche things' (This was inspired by discussion in JDS' comic, and I stress just the discussion, so thanks for the people in there)

I also have a idea where in the returning from the belly universe, and after they're caught with immigrants one character asks 'What gave it away', and some obvious character like a fat monster is hiding in a lampshade costume, or has a moustache and spectacles mask on.

Some of these actually happened for the record.

That's pretty much what I've got in my head at the moment. I appreciate if you took the time to read this. I'd really appreciate feedback, I have plenty of time to work on developing my art style, and basically getting good at it, which means there is plenty of time to edit this, so just be honest with what you think. I don't know if this'll sound as good as it does in my head as you read it, but like I said, just let me know what you think. Thanks for the time :)

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