[ In your opinion ]
Okay, I don't want to see any bickering about what people like, I know how touchy people get over preferences in music!!
- When I say, "your generation", I mean, the span of time in which you've been alive (i.e. You were born in '84? That means "your generation" = the last 22 years). And I mean of the way of life you knew, the world around the people of your age.
- When I say, "your parents' generation", I mean from the time they were born, until they reached, say, 30. Because we all pretty much have our favorite preferences by then and stick with them. Please don't argue with this, just work with me here. (i.e. Your parents were born in the early 60's? Then their generation spans the 60's, 70's and 80's. Include mom & dad together in an average. I don't want to know about both of them.)
[Copy and Paste the Below into Your Reply]
Please be brief!!!
- What is your favorite song of all time?
- Your Answer:
- Your Answer:
- What is your favorite artist/band of all time?
- Your Answer:
- Your Answer:
- Who do you think has been the most influential artist/band (music-wise) of your generation?
- Your Answer:
- Your Answer:
- Who do you think was the greatest artist/band of your parents' generation?
- Your Answer:
- What is your favorite movie of all time?
- Your Answer:
- Your Answer:
- What movie do you think was the most artistic/stunning movie of your generation?
- Your Answer:
- Your Answer:
- What is your favorite movie from your parents' generation?
- Your Answer:
- What is your favorite game of all time?
- Your Answer:
- Your Answer:
- What game do you think changed your life the most (if any), or which game do you think was the most artistic/impressive?
- Your Answer:
- Your Answer:
- If your parents' generation had the games of yours, which do you think would be the top-sellers (genres/specific games)?
- Your Answer:
Don't forget to copy and paste the above! Don't just make a list with no questions in it!! We won't know what we're reading when it gets to page 2