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"Gourmet" meals for your hamster.

Cooking for your hamster

Okay so I was just looking through that site and it seems a bit weird to me. It's not like it's completely unheard of, but still. What are your opinions on treating animals like humans?

Also, I like how she quotes her hamster.

EDIT: Oops.
Meh, people do what they want to do, who knows, I'd probably do the same thing if I had a dog when I'm not lazy. D: Lucy's a lucky hamster.

By the way, there's a "." at the end of that link, which cause "address not found" when manually clicking link.

Edit: My God, that mini-sandwich is awesome.
I'm actually a huge fan of the apple sushi.
The rice to apple ratio would be gross though.
I want to find a cute dish like that for humans.
my hamster is a gourmet meal... that is if I had a hamster.

Dogs, cats, mice, hamsters - they're all just dogs, cats, mice, hamsters. I'll feed 'em whatever the vets say and give em a li'l cheese and treat. But I'm not waisting $40 on food for my imaginable hamster when I coulda spent 10 and he'd eat just as much, just as fast, just as fine.
The food and hamster are ADORABLE but as much as I love my pets, there ain't any way I'm gonna be that non-lazy. I'm a good cook but the only times I eat as well as Lucy does is at Thanksgiving or when I feel particularly culinary.

My cats are cats and shall be treated as such (they're not allowed on counters and a spray of water is perfunctory for making an errant turd outside the catbox), but they are family, as well. I'd run into a burning building to save one. Some call that stupid, but when I feel sick and sad and I curl up on the couch, one'll always come to sit on my chest and fall asleep under my chin and make me feel better, and in those times I wonder why anyone wouldn't consider them a part of your family.



Well I have 5 dogs two females and three males, one of the females is the mother of the other four and they are twelve months old and are pretty big (cross between a German Shepard and a Doberman/Staff terrier cross)

And every week I give them a steak each, but I don't let them take liberties so I only give them that treat once a week (along with the usual doggy treats, bones, chews etc)
We're all such good people.
I expected one of those drawings like
To be posted in this topic. I'm glad I'm wrong.



The father

Tyr (as a puppy)
tyr and zues (as a puppies)
Loki (as a puppy)
Bess (as a puppy)
Bess a few months ago (She has tiger stripes all on her back and chest)



I don't know really I just named them, although two I named because of their personalities.

Loki = because he was a psycho puppy
Zeus = Is the master dog, always calm because he doesn't have to prove himself
aww, those doggies are cute. <3

I really have to make some of this for my rabbit.

EDIT: from the sound of this post, I also love hello kitty handbags and cheap lipgloss.
Shutup, there are really fashionable Hello Kitty handbags and messenger bags, a lot of fashion designers are targeting her for street fashion. Haha, um...yeah.

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