Evil brews in even the brightest of lights.
But the light of hope is a bright one indeed.
And is is the light that parts the darkness.
Kale Sylfaen
Age: 18
Class: Fighter
A young farmboy with a strange past. Always seems to be overconfident and a little arrogant, but he can be serious when he needs to be. Sometimes needs to have some sense knocked into him by the not-so-soft hand of his sister, Marian. He is growing bored with the little village where he is doomed to live and die in. His relation to the events from over 1,000 years ago are revealed throughout the story, which also reveal things about himself.
Marian Sylfaen
Age: 15
Class: Rogue
Kale's younger but even more mature sister. She always keeps her cool, and seems to be very wise, despite her childish appearance. She follows Kale against his, and their father's will, although she is constantly questioning herself why. She discovers a strong sensitivity to magic which allows her to faintly detect strong enemies.
Colin Markson
Age: 18
Class: Hunter
Best friends with Kale from birth. Always cheerful, no matter how bad things get. He is good at deciphering puzzles and riddles. He is probably the only boy who Marian respects. Sent with Kale by his father, Wade, to "watch over him". Develops incredible aim, and eventually uses arrows of special powers
Age: 20
Class: Mage
Given up by her parents at birth to a family of mages. She wouldn't accept the last name of her adoptive family, and since she did not know her real family's name, she went with no last name. Follows Kale and his party after her family is killed, but she is saved by Kale. She is always calm, but she get's very serious during battle.
Main Enemies
Age: Unknown
Class: Fighter
The mysterious fighter who claims relation to Kale. He is seen several times throughout the story. He has strange dark powers, but for some reason he never attempts to fight you. What could possibly be his motive?
Damien's Apprentice
Age: Unknown
Class: Rogue
The mysterious apprentice of Damien. His name is never spoken and he has the same powers as Damien, though not as powerful. He is used as a distraction so that Damien is allowed to escape.
Age: Unknown
Class: Archmage
The leader of Damien's army of minions. He is sent out multiple times to halt your progress, normally by killing people.
Age: Unknown
Class: Fighter
The powerful master of Damien. He was once the greatest warrior the world had ever known. He held a sword, which was forged of the bones of 1,000 demons. It's power knew no bounds. He conquered the world with it, but eventually he died. His only son died alongside him. His kingdom was taken over by the people, and his tyranny was at an end. Now a reincarnation of his son fights to resurrect him, and all of his power.
The array of strange beasts with strong powers focused on one of the four elements, Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire.
Important NPC's
Dr. Kavon
Age: 47
A professor in the arts of Elemental Magics. He requests your service in his newest experiment, which requires you and your party to gather samples of the purest for of elemental magic. This seemingly harmless errand soon make's way to a plan to overthrow cities, governments, even humanity.
Artemis Corlin
Age: 26
Kaylee's older step brother, who taught her everything she knows about magic. A very powerful mage, with a vast knowledge of spells.
Krieger Esner
Age: 22
A young man who has just returned from the army. He is very educated in battle tactics and weaponry. Kale and Colin seek him out in hopes to learn the art of combat.
King Roland
Age: 48
The current king of Halana. He somehow becomes tied in with the plot of Damien, but not as a target, as some kind of ally.
Home town Falken
Mountain town Halem
Capital city Halana (incomplete)
Cutscene with Artemis and Atheus
Another boring morning
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This game is still in an early development stage, and everything is up for change. Give your feedback, I look forward to reading it.