This topic is much more comfy in the symposium, I think.
Jesus said in John 14:6 "... 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me.'"
Sucks to be the people who don't believe in Jesus, huh? After all, they have never sinned or done anything against God's will. It wouldn't be fair!
Actually, if wouldn't be fair to let them in to heaven.
Is it fair that Jesus died so you can go to heaven, but you don't care? I don't see how anyone who has heard the gospel and chooses not to be saved has any room to complain.
This situation is, after all, why christians share their faith. We don't want you to go to hell. Come join our club! Admission is free!
Is there an opportunity for salvation after you die? I dunno, honestly. I assume not, but wouldn't it be nice if there was? "Oh, hey God... Sorry about not believing in you, and being an absolute prick to people who did." "Hey, don't worry about it."
As for people who have never heard the gospel, that's a more complex question, and one I don't know the answer to. I believe the Bible says something about them being judged according to their own hearts, but I don't know what that means as far as getting into heaven. All I know is that when we die, we are asked to account for our sins.
Raizu, that question of yours is only answerable in the context of God's omnipotence. How was there light before the sun? God said, "Let there be light." The sun and moon were added to the process later. Really, if the part you can't believe in that story is that the light and darkness making up days before that were simply present because God wanted them to be, then you are waaaay missing the point.
As for the omissions from the books of the bible, kindly offer some evidence to that so people can respond. If you question the translation, I'm sure the experts that translated would love to get your feedback. I mean, none of the other experts are arguing with them. It might be a refreshing break!
And now for Hitler and suicide! Yay!
I do not believe by any means that Suicide is unforgivable. This is based on the concept that you have to repent for every sin as they come. This isn't true. Jesus died for every sin that every had and will commit, and if you accept that sacrifice then your future sins are under the blood as well. This is not, of course, a ticket to sin freely. Drive another nail into the old cross would you? That's gonna make someone upstairs a bit angry. His cross was not in vain, so don't make it that way.
Do I believe Hitler could have found salvation? Yes. I can't ask God to forgive me for what I've done, but expect him not to forgive others. Everyone deserves to die, but Christ did it for them.
Finally, you can't expect me or your Sunday School teachers to answer all of your questions about God. If we knew everything there was to know, and understood everything there was to understand, then we wouldn't have much use for God anyhow, I think.