In the year 2016, Funkytown was taken over by a criminal organization known to the city residents as The Syndicate. By June of that year, the entire city, as well as 80% of the police force, was under the control of The Syndicate. Funkytown's current mayor, feared them, and refused to take action against The Syndicate. The Mayor's inaction caught up to him in the 2020 Election, where his opponent, Markus Foley, won by a landslide vote. The newly elected Mayor Foley immediately began to work on taking down The Syndicate. This proved difficult as the majority of the police were still on The Syndicate's payroll. Mayor Foley was forced to turn to an outside source, a privateer...
You play as Fancy Man, a privateer hired by the mayor of Funkytown to dispose of a notorious criminal organization known as The Syndicate, by any means necessary. Using a wide arsenal of weapons and gadgets, as well as the help of Aria, your intelligence specialist, and Funky Clyde, your weapons dealer, you will systematically eliminate ranking members of The Syndicate, and eventually their leader. You will work your way through the city, neutralizing controlled districts, and taking out ranking officers of The Hand (The Syndicate's 5 highest ranking officers) followed by The Boss (aka The Final Boss)(aka the leader of The Syndicate)
Fancy Man
A privateer known for completing missions deemed "impossible". Most of his previous missions are classified, but it is clear that he can get any job done. With the help of his partner, Aria Macon, he travels the world taking jobs most mercs would be insane to take.
Aria Macon
Fancy Man's parter, and closest friend. She has been travelling with Fancy Man for about 3 years, and has proved to be a valuable asset. She is an expert at collecting intel, as well as remote hacking.
Funky Clyde
A local weapons dealer. He provides weapons, armor, and gadgets to Fancy Man for discount prices as long as he is given 20% of Fancy Man's pay once the job it done. Throughout the game Funky Clyde becomes more friendly toward Fancy Man and Aria, especially Aria.
Mayor Foley
The newly elected mayor of Funkytown. Foley has hated The Syndicate since they rose to power, and has vowed to stop them. Foley hired Fancy Man because he knew he would get the job done. He promised Fancy Man the he would recieve "substantial payment" for his efforts.
A privateer known for completing missions deemed "impossible". Most of his previous missions are classified, but it is clear that he can get any job done. With the help of his partner, Aria Macon, he travels the world taking jobs most mercs would be insane to take.
Aria Macon
Fancy Man's parter, and closest friend. She has been travelling with Fancy Man for about 3 years, and has proved to be a valuable asset. She is an expert at collecting intel, as well as remote hacking.
Funky Clyde
A local weapons dealer. He provides weapons, armor, and gadgets to Fancy Man for discount prices as long as he is given 20% of Fancy Man's pay once the job it done. Throughout the game Funky Clyde becomes more friendly toward Fancy Man and Aria, especially Aria.
Mayor Foley
The newly elected mayor of Funkytown. Foley has hated The Syndicate since they rose to power, and has vowed to stop them. Foley hired Fancy Man because he knew he would get the job done. He promised Fancy Man the he would recieve "substantial payment" for his efforts.
The title screen.
Demonstrates the aiming system.