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Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.

Global Forum Rules and FAQ

HBGames.org General Forum Rules
As of 10/03/2011

General Forum FAQ - from the software creators
Forum FAQ - from us

  • When posting in this forum, members are expected to understand and follow the rules and guidelines presented in this topic. This topic will be locked for the sake of cleanliness. If any member has any specific questions regarding any of these rules, feel free to send a private message to myself or any other moderator or administrator.

    This is the master list of rules that apply to ALL FORUMS AND SUB-FORUMS unless otherwise specified.
    • Don't be a dick
      Most rules are covered by this one. Basically, if you know you shouldn't do something because it would disrupt other users or cause a menace, be it putting flash in signatures or spamming multiple boards with macro images, it's best not to do it. We will warn you beforehand if an action breaks this rule, and ignoring that warning will involve repurcussions, but basically don't be intentionally disruptive even if it is just to prove a point..

    • No Plagiarism
      Do not claim another's work as your own, such as saying you made a Cloud sprite when it was clearly a rip from FF7. This goes for both big companies and members of the board. Likewise do not accuse others of plagiarism without sufficient evidence. Notify a moderator instead. Breaking this rule results in an instant permanent ban. It's also really uncool. You don't want to be uncool, do you?

    • No Illegal Content
      Do not post warez, cracks, etc. or links to sites containing such.
      Do not post any copyrighted work without permission. Breaking this rule results in an instant permanent ban.

    • No Impersonating
      Do not impersonate or try to hack into other member's accounts. Doing so will result in an instant permanent ban.

    • No Flaming
      Do not insult, mimic, attack, threaten, or harass members in a post or in PM. Breaking this rule results in warnings or bans.

    • No Flame-baiting
      Do not anger or antagonize other members to the point of arguments or start any arguments. You will be warned or banned depending on the severity.

    • No Spamming (outside the Rec Room)
      No posting empty content, just emotes (smile faces), just memes (or other 4chan) or other images, repeating, or any other off topic content or any content in an excessive manner outside of the Rec Room. This may result in warns depending on the severity.

    • No Duplicate Accounts
      Do not make more than one account for yourself. This will result in the second being banned and the original warned.

    • No Duplicate Topics
      Do not create more than one topic asking or about the same thing in the same area or other areas of the forum. They will be deleted or locked.

    • Only Double Post to Add Content rvsd 12-11-08
      Double posting is condoned on the forum, but only if you're adding something relevant. Posting just to spam up a thread is unnecessary. You will be warned if you repeatedly break this rule after being reprimanded.

    • Necroposting
      Posting in very old topics is generally ok. Please see this thread for more details: viewtopic.php?p=735940. Please see the no spamming rule however.

    • No Advertising
      Do not create threads to call attention to your website or obsessively mention your game/website in every post you make. You may put advertisement links in your signatures. You will be warned. Advertising bots/accounts are not allowed especially those which copy posts from other places around the net; these will be banned on sight.

    • English Only
      No use of foreign language, engrish, |337 speak or anything else that isn't understandable. Please try to use proper grammar and spelling as best as you can so we can understand you. You may be warned.

    • No Delete/Lock Requests
      Do not request for your topic that you started to be locked or deleted. Topics are for the discussion of all.
    • No Baw Topics
      Do not make topics about specific moderator actions; if you have a problem please PM an admin or Global Moderator.

    • No Backseat Moderating
      Do not try to play moderator or make a public posting saying what they did. That is our job. If you see a problem use the "report to moderator" button in the bottom right hand corner and we will take care of it.

    • No Password Sharing
      One account, one person. Never give out your password to other members. If they use your account because you gave out your password you will be held accountable for their actions.

    Specific Subforum Rules
    Completed Games
    Project Discussion
    ---Concept Development
    Program and Utility Development
    Game Development Discussion
    Beginners Lounge
    General Support FAQ*
    Good Tutorial Guidelines*
    RGSS/RGSS2 Scripts
    ---Script Requests
    ---Script Support
    Pixel Art Analysis
    Frankenstein's Lab
    ---Resource Requests
    Visual Art Analysis
    Music Analysis
    Literary Analysis
    Web Programming and Hardware
    General Discussion
    The Symposium
    The Rec Room

    *Isn't rules; a helpful link

    Accumulation of warns will result in bans. Multiple temporary bans will result in permanent bans.

    Thank you,
    .org Staff
The BBCode Guide
by Punk

Why are you in here? Did someone link you to this topic or did it just catch your eye and you felt like checking it out for some reason? Well, whatever reason it may be, welcome to the BBCode Topic! I s'pose the main purpose of this topic is to help new members out when it comes to bbcodes. It's also there to draw attention and encourage members to use cool new bbcodes such as imgzoom, thumb and a few others. For the bbcodes listed, I will provide examples on how to use it and how they're used.

To use, wrap the bold bbcode ([b][/b]) around the desired portion of the text to create bold text.
Usage: [b]Value[/b]
Example Usage: [b]This text is bold.[/b]
Example Output: This text is bold.

To use, wrap the italics bbcode ([i][/i]) around the desired portion of the text to create italicized text.
Usage: [i]Value[/i]
Example Usage: [i]This text is italic.[/i]
Example Output: This text is italic.

To use, wrap the underline bbcode ([u][/u]) around the desired portion of the text to create underlined text.
Usage: [u]Value[/u]
Example Usage: [u]This text is underlined.[/u]
Example Output: This text is underlined.

To use, wrap the strikethrough bbcode ([s][/s]) around the desired portion of the text to create strikethrough text. (It's supposed to be a line going across the text.)
Usage: [s]Value[/s]
Example Usage: [s]This text is wrapped in strikethrough bbcode.[/s]
Example Output: This text is wrapped in strikethrough bbcode.
The [color] tag allows you to change the color of your text. To use, specify a recognized color name (blue, red, yellow, green for example) or the hexadecimal triplet alternative (#ff0000, #ffff00, #00ff00, #0000ff for example).
Usage: [color=[b]Option[/b]]Value[/color]
Example Usage: [color=blue[bgcolor=#222222][/bgcolor]]This text is blue.[/color]
Example Usage (2): [color=#0000ff[bgcolor=#222222][/bgcolor]]This text is blue.[/color]
Example Output: This text is blue.

Background Color
The [bgcolor] tag allows you to highlight your text. Like color, specify a recognized color name (e.g.: red) or a hexadecimal triplet alternative (e.g.: #ff0000).
Usage: Option]Value[/bgcolor]
Example Usage: ]This text is highlighted in a dark red color.[/bgcolor]
Example Output:  
The tag allows you to change the font of your text.
Usage: Option[/b]]Value
Example Usage: [/bgcolor]]This text is in courier font.
Example Output: This text is in courier font.

The [size] tag allows you to change the size of your text. The way it works here is something you'll have to get used to. The numerical value represents the text size in percent. (Example: 100 is normal text size, 200 is 2 times the normal text size, 50 is half of the normal text size)
Usage: Option[/b]]Value
Example Usage: [size=50[bgcolor=#222222][/bgcolor]]This text is smaller than normal text size by 50 percent.[/size]
Example Output: This text is smaller than normal text size by 50 percent.

The [center][/center] tag allows you to center your text.
Usage: [center]Value[/center]
Example Usage: [center]This text is centered.[/center]
Example Output:
This text is centered.

The [right][/right] tag allows you to align your text to the right.
Usage: [right]Value[/right]
Example Usage: [right]This text is aligned to the right.[/right]
Example Output: This text is aligned to the right.

The [justify][/justify] tag allows you to justify your text. To quote Wikipedia, "Justification is the typographic alignment setting of text or images within a column or "measure" to align along both the left and right margin."
Usage: [justify]Value[/justify]
Example Usage: [justify]This text is being justified. Extra spaces are between these words. Oh no![/justify]
Example Output: This text is being justified. Extra spaces are between these words. Oh no!
URL Linking
The [url] tag allows you to link to other websites and files. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage: [url]Value[/url] or Option[/color]]Value
Example Usage: [url]http://hbgames.org[/url] or [/bgcolor]]HBGames.ORG RPG Maker Forums
Example Output: http://hbgames.org or HBGames.ORG RPG Maker Forums

Email Linking
The tag allows you to link to an email address. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.[/size]
Usage: [email[bgcolor=#222222][/bgcolor]][color=red][b]Value[/b][/color] or Option[/color]]Value
Example Usage: [/bgcolor]]admin@hbgames.org or [/bgcolor]]Click here to email an admin.
Example Output: admin@hbgames.org or Click here to email an admin.

Bulleted Lists
The [list] tag allows you to create simple, bulleted lists without specifying an option. Within the value portion, each bullet is denoted by the • tag.
Usage: [list]Value[/list]
Example Usage: [list][*]List Item 1[*]List Item 2[/list]
Example Output:
  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2

Advanced Lists
The [list] tag allows you to create advanced lists by specifying an option. The option should have a value of 1 (for a numbered list) or A (for an alphabetic with capital letters list) or a (for an alphabetic with lowercase letters list) or I (for a numbered with capital Roman numeral list) or i (for a numbered with small Roman numeral list).
  • Option[/color]]Value
The [img] tag allows you to embed images within your posts. You can also combine this tag with the [url] tag to make images become links.
Usage: [img]Value[/img]
Example Usage (image only): [img]http://rmxp.org/forums/images/smilies/FappingEmoteAnim.gif[/img]
Example Usage (image + link): [/bgcolor]][img]http://rmxp.org/forums/images/smilies/FappingEmoteAnim.gif[/img]
Example Output (image only):

Example Output (image + link):

The [thumb] tag shrinks embedded images. Clicking on an image wrapped in a tag like this opens a pop-up window showing it's full size.
Usage: [thumb]Value[/thumb]
Example Usage: [thumb]http://rmxp.org/forums/styles/aqua/imageset/logo.gif[/thumb]
Example Output:

The BBCode for an aspiring pixel artist, please use these whenever you want critique on a sprite. [imgzoom] allows images to be blown up in 1x, 2x, 4x or 8x their size.
Usage: [imgzoom]Value[/imgzoom]
Example Usage: [imgzoom]http://rmxp.org/forums/images/smilies/BoxingEmoteAnim.gif[/imgzoom]
Example Output:
The [code] tag switches to a fixed-width (monospace) font and preserves all spacing.
Usage: [code]Value[/code]
Example Usage: [code]echo "This is some code <br />";[/code]
Example Output:
echo "This is some code <br />";
Code with Syntax Highlighting
The [code] tag switches to a fixed-width (monospace) font and preserves all spacing. Including an option parameter to the code bbcode (must be a supported programming language) enables it to highlight syntax from your code. Also note, this new bbcode supports over 70 different programming languages!
Note: Anyone who's a scripter, please make use of [code=rgss][/code] bbcode.

Usage: [code=Option]Value[/code]
Example Usage:

# ** Main


#  After defining each class, actual processing begins here.



  # Prepare for transition


  # Make scene object (title screen)

  $scene = Scene_Title.new

  # Call main method as long as $scene is effective

  while $scene != nil



  # Fade out


rescue Errno::ENOENT

  # Supplement Errno::ENOENT exception

  # If unable to open file, display message and end

  filename = $!.message.sub("No such file or directory - ", "")

  print("Unable to find file #{filename}.")



Example Output:

# ** Main


#  After defining each class, actual processing begins here.



  # Prepare for transition


  # Make scene object (title screen)

  $scene = Scene_Title.new

  # Call main method as long as $scene is effective

  while $scene != nil



  # Fade out


rescue Errno::ENOENT

  # Supplement Errno::ENOENT exception

  # If unable to open file, display message and end

  filename = $!.message.sub("No such file or directory - ", "")

  print("Unable to find file #{filename}.")



As mentioned earlier, this bbcode supports over 70 different programming languages. Find out which languages are supported by clicking the spoiler below.
  1. ABAP
  2. ActionScript
  3. Ada
  4. Apache Configuration Type apache in the option parameter of code.
  5. AppleScript
  6. ASM
  7. ASP
  8. Autoit
  9. Bash
  10. Blitzbasic
  11. bnf
  12. C
  13. C for Macs Type c_mac in the option parameter of code.
  14. CAD DCL Type caddcl in the option parameter of code.
  15. CAD Lisp Type cadlisp in the option parameter of code.
  16. CFDG
  17. ColdFusion Type cfm in the option parameter of code.
  18. C++ Type cpp in the option parameter of code.
  19. C# Type csharp in the option parameter of code.
  20. CSS
  21. D
  22. Delphi
  23. DIV
  24. DOS
  25. DOT
  26. Eiffel
  27. Fortran
  28. FreeBasic
  29. Genero
  30. GML
  31. Groovy
  32. Haskell
  33. HTML
  34. IDL
  35. INI
  36. Inno
  37. IO
  38. Java
  39. Java(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Type java5 in the option parameter of code.
  40. JavaScript
  41. LaTeX
  42. Lisp
  43. Lua
  44. Motorola 68000k Assembler Type m68k in the option parameter of code.
  45. Matlab M Type matlab in the option parameter of code.
  46. mIRC Scripting Type mIRC in the option parameter of code.
  47. Microchip Assembler Type mpasm in the option parameter of code.
  48. MySQL
  49. NSIS
  50. Objective-C Type objc in the option parameter of code.
  51. OCaml
  52. Pascal
  53. Per
  54. Perl
  55. PHP
  56. PL/SQL Type plsql in the option parameter of code.
  57. Python
  58. QuickBasic Type qbasic in the option parameter of code.
  59. Ruby on Rails Type rails in the option parameter of code.
  60. Robots.txt Type robots in the option parameter of code.
  61. Ruby Alternatively, you can type rgss in the option parameter of code.
  62. SAS
  63. Scheme
  64. sdlBasic
  65. SmallTalk
  66. Smarty
  67. SQL
  68. TCL
  69. Teraterm
  70. Text
  71. thinBasic
  72. T-SQL Type tsql in the option parameter of code.
  73. Visual Basic Type vb in the option parameter of code.
  74. VB.net Type vbnet in the option parameter of code.
  75. VHDL
  76. Visual Fox Pro Type visualfoxpro in the option parameter of code.
  77. Winbatch
  78. XML
  79. X++ Type xpp in the option parameter of code.
  80. ZiLOG Z80 Assembler Type z80 in the option parameter of code.
The quote tag allows you to attribute text to someone else.
Usage: [quote]Value[/quote]
Usage 2:
[bgcolor=#222222:iya24at4 said:
Example Usage: [quote] :fap: [/quote]
Example Usage 2:
[bgcolor=#222222:iya24at4 said:
[/bgcolor]"You"] :fap:
(Quotation marks are not optional.)
Example Output:
Example Output 2:
You":iya24at4 said:
Hides a section of text in a collapsible box.
Usage: [spoiler]Value[/spoiler]
Example Usage: [spoiler]You looked![/spoiler]
Example Output:
You looked!

To give your spoiler a name, use
Also note that the same kind of spoiler cannot be nested. For example, a titled spoiler cannot be nested into a titled spoiler, however, an untitled spoiler can be nested into a titled spoiler and vice versa. Also, you can't nest a spoiler into a nested spoiler.
The [youtube] tag allows you to embed a youtube video onto a post. To use it, wrap the youtube tag around the youtube video url.
Usage: [youtube]Value[/youtube]
Example Usage: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xifmDDU8HDM[/youtube]
Example Usage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xifmDDU8HDM

Tech Issues

Q. I have forgotten my username, can you help?

A. Yes we can. Email admin@hbgames.org and provide the email you registered the account by and we can find it that way.

Q. I lost my password, how do I retrieve it?

A. Normally you would click the lost password link to have it emailed to you. But due to problems with our smtp server you will have to instead notify an administrator by emailing admin@hbgames.org to have your password changed.

Q. I don't like my name can I change it?

A. Yes, simply post in the Name Change Request Topic.

Q. I have a technical problem with IRC.

A. Post your problem on the IRC master thread or contact shadow via pm.


Q. What is spamming? I don't get what you guys mean by it. Why can't we do it?

A. Spamming is our shorthand way of saying don't post crappy jokes and empty comments incessantly. This is a discussion board not a chat room. If you want to chat click on chat, in our navbar. That said spamming is a bad habit that makes you look retarded and the makes the community look like shit for tolerating your vapid presence. We enjoy a joke here and there, but make sure you are actually funny and clever in what you do, and make sure that isn't all you do. This is a productive game making community first and a hangout second.

We also consider empty dittos and praise to be spam as well as empty negatives. First its lazy writing and second its a waste of our bandwidth to archive a two word opinion on Chrono cross to the tune of, "LOL AWESOME1!11!:" We also consider generally anything written in l33t or chatspeak to be spam unless its being used effectively for ironic purposes. If you do not understand what that means you shouldn't use l33t or chatspeak in your posts ever, sorry. Remember always that spam at its essence is empty commentary. That includes posting really vague opinions with no reasoning behind them or attempts to explain yourself. This last issue applies in the project and analysis forums. We at the .org do not believe it is enough to tell artists and designers, ":straightthumb: awesome dude!" or "dude your mapping sucks!" We expect people in those forums to explain what they find strong or weak in the pieces discussed in those forums.

Q. What is flaming? I've never heard of that before.

A. Flaming is posting ad hominem attacks (insults) at other users of the forums. Don't do it unless you wish to receive a stern response from the staff. Also keep in mind that your work and your opinion is not you. If someone says your maps are gay and you need more shading because your sprites look shitty and flat they aren't insulting (flaming) you. Likewise goes with opinions. People are allowed to mock or otherwise fisk the reasoning behind your opinions so long as it stays away from sweeping generalizations about anything that encompasses your persona or character. Keep in mind that being flamed is not free license to flame back. Be the mature one and use the report button to get a moderator to handle it. That's why they are there.

Q. What exactly is bawwing?

A. Bawwing is complaining about the community incessantly, often over inane issues. The commonplace example is when someone puts a hastily made sprite and receives criticism that its less than perfect, so the provider of the sprite starts complaining of everyone hating on him. Such habits really annoy people quick around here. It is also against the rules and considered trolling to baw publicly about staff decisions that concern you directly. Posting about your precious locked threads or your unjust warnings is a simple way to earn yet another one. If you feel like you have been unfairly singled out by a staff member or that the wrong call was made handle it by pm'ing an administrator or reporting the post. That is the mature way of handling it.

Q. How do i display a photo/quote a person/do anything in BBcode correctly?

A. All of your questions concerning using BBcode in posts can be answered in the above BBCode Guide.

Q. What is a necropost?

A. Necroposting is posting in a topic whose last reply is more than thirty days old.

Q. What's the big deal about that?

A. Necroposting is generally considered to be alright under a few circumstances. First, it's important that your necropost contains a relevant post and contributes to the discussion. If you necropost in a year-old topic just to add a smiley it's obviously not okay and we will give you a virtual slap on the wrists.

You also shouldn't necropost in a topic about jumping spiders if there's a current topic about arachnids going on already. You won't be punished for it but we will make faces at you when you're not looking.

Q. Double Posting seems frowned on around here. Is it ever okay?

A. In rare circumstances its okay when the second post is truly independent of the first one, and is a substantial chunk of though in its own right. It is also fine to bump your topic in accordance with the request board rules, and to notify users of updates to your topic. In general you shouldn't double post to add little things you forgot to include in the first post. Edit them in instead. This is a housecleaning issue than it is a rule.

Q. I see naughty words is that allowed?

A. Yes. Don't go crazy with it. If you get spammy and utterly gratuitous you will get warned about your behavior. But this is a free thought zone otherwise.


Q. How do I avoid looking like a sad person with a degenerative brain disease who has just discovered the internet?

A. The best thing to do to avoid sticking out is to first familiarize yourself with the global rules and the specific subforum rules in all the boards you wish to be active in. Our community wiki is a good primer to learn about staff, the history of the site and notable users. Otherwise wade in easily and provide GOOD content, and the community will welcome you with open arms.

Q. Is it okay to tell people they are breaking the rules?

A. Generally no. Use the report to moderator button when you see infractions take place. We don't like regular members playing moderators on the forum. It gets flamy and looks like we are a community of snivelling cockgoblins.

Q. Who are those people with the orange usernames and custom badges?

A. Those are sponsors? They donated $15 to the forum and received the benefits listed here.

Q. What do I do to become a sponsor?

A. You donate $15 to the paypal listed here, and contact an administrator that you have done so.

Q. What is IRC?

A. IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. It is the type of chat software we use for the .org's chat channel. You can join the channel through the chat now link in our navbar.

Q. People seem to think I'm an annoying shitstain, how'd that happen?

A. Most commonly people are annoyed by spastic spammy posting habits. Consider your posts for a second. Do you mostly post no more than two to three sentences? Does your contribution to the site consist of purely undescriptive resource requests, inconsiderate demands they be filled, empty dittoes, rule breaking posting habits, unfunny cliched one liner spam posts, and impenetrable grammar and syntax? A combination of these things is generally the reason why as well as being general douchebag about things in the community.

Q. How can I be a hoopy frood?

A. To be someone who is generally respected by the board you merely have to respect the rules, be a decent human being, and most of all provide decent content in your posts. The latter is the best way to get people to respect you. We are a community of game makers first and we want to be around people who are willing to put the time and effort in being better designers and giving and receiving thoughtful responsive criticism. After that all the niceties of your personality are just gravy.

Q. Can I be more like you?

A. Yes! (Really be yourself, though.)

Q. Everybody hates me, can I get a new name/account?

A. Yes, pm an administrator for your clean slate.


Q. I have a website/product/service I'd like to advertise on your site, can we do business?

A. We sure can, you can bid on our two project wonderful ad spaces or you can try making a special arrangement by contacting one of the administrators by email. Keep in mind that we don't do free advertisement and promotionals.

Q. I was kicked/banned from irc. Why was I kicked? Who do I talk to about this?

A. Ops should have left you a kick reason in your kick or kick ban. If they did not contact an administrator and leave the name of the channel op that kick/banned you and we will get to the heart of the matter. Just like moderator decisions on the forum we do not want to see complaints about specific channel op actions that concern you in feedback. Contact an administrator

Q. I have been reminded/scolded by a moderator publicly, does that mean I have a warning?

A. Not necessarily. We encourage mods to give helpful reminders on first time infractions. These reminders are to help you acclimate to the rules and to familiarize how they are interpreted. If you are not sure you received a warning pm the mod an ask if you have been issued an official warning.

Q. I am getting a bunch of warnings what should I do?

A. You should read the global rules and the subforum rules in any boards you seem to be running into trouble. If it isn't clear please ask a moderator to explain to you what you are doing wrong.

Q. How many warnings can I accrue before action is taken on my account, and how long do official warnings last?

A. Three official warnings will lead to action being taken on your account. Any warning is counted against you for at least a month depending on the situation.

Q. This moderator/admin has it out for me!

A. If you sincerely feel that way pm another administrator with your concerns or report the actions. If you go out of your way to bait the staff member in question do not expect a lot of sympathy.

Q. My account has been tempbanned is it a good idea to register another one and just behave before the ban is up.

A. If you want to be permabanned knock yourself off. Ban evasion leads to permanent banning of the offending account.

Q. A member is harassing me via pm and in my threads.

A. Report the offending material to a moderator. We will take care of any rule infractions whether they are via pm or in public forums.

Q. I have a friend who has been permabanned should I contact an administrator on his behalf?

A. We won't hold it against you if you do, but we generally don't overturn permanent bans. To put it bluntly anyone who has genuinely been permanently banned went way out of their way to do something retarded.

Q. I was warned for flaming but someone flamed me first!

A. Pleading self defense is no excuse. If someone flames you we want you to report the post and let staff handle it. Little spats between members makes the community look like shit and if you look easily baitable and you will attract trolls.

Q. I have a non generic problem that isn't covered by this faq!

A. PM an administrator or moderator.



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Each and every of the beautifully crafted rings, chains, adornment sets, or bracelets provides ablaze tones or alike acute tones (more energetic) Pandora Holiday Beadsin the annular and princess-cut sapphires.
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.Modern and avant-garde are two constants that are closely linked to Cartier’s history. Throughout this temporal journey, one key element stands out: the daring spirit that drives all Cartier actors, cartier ringsfrom its craftsmen to its designers, with which the designer Tokujin Yoshioka has imbued the exhibition’s scenography. Tokujin Yoshioka was awarded the 2011 Design of the Year prize by A&W Architektur & Wohnen Magazine.
The UGG Bailey Button Bling is the perfect UGG boot for a little glitz. It has all the features of the ultra-popular Bailey Button Boot: high quality twinface sheepskin for warmth, durability, and breathability so that your feet stay comfortable and dry; light and flexible molded EVA sole; and the ability to cuff the boot for a different look.UGG Classic Argyle Knit What sets the Bailey Button Bling apart is that rather than having a wooden button, it contains a large Swarovski crystal for added elegance and glamour. This limited edition "blinged-out" version is expected to sell out quickly and be difficult to find at stores.
Roughly considered anything created from the 1800s to the early 1980s, period pieces can constitute between 40 and 60 percent of the lots in jewelry auctions. Generally speaking, auctioneers and dealers in New York,tiffany earrings silver London, Geneva, and Paris have the largest inventory of such items.
The mobile service has struggled to attract marketers in part because Pandora is creating new types of advertising, blending 15-second audio clips, display ads and video spots. Audio ads on the radio have traditionally been directed to local audiences, pandora diywhile display advertisers are more often national brands. Pandora's service is multimedia and focused on national and local advertisers, an experiment that most companies aren't used to.
Karl Lagerfeld presented the Chanel spring 2012 runway collection to a crowd of celebrity attendees during Paris Fashion Week on Tuesday in what fashion critic Booth Moore called "an ocean of delights."Among the audience, Alexa Chung made an appearance in a gray dress with balloon sleeves,chanel long flap wallet Clemence Poésy wore an elegant midnight blue gown and French designer and former model Ines de la Fressange wore icy blue pants and a tailored black tuxedo blazer.
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