# Description Replacement Codes
# Description:
# This script basically just allows the use of some basic message codes in
# item descriptions.
# Instructions:
# To use, insert the codes you'd like to use into the description of the
# item, weapon, armor, or skill. The message codes you can use are:
# General Codes
# \n[actor_id] - prints name of actor with specified ID
# \c[class_id] - prints name of class with specified ID
# \s[state_id] - prints name of state with specified ID
# \v[variable_id] - prints value of variable with specified ID
# \e[element_id] - prints name of element with specified ID
# \vocab[value] - prints vocab for that item type. Suitable values for this
# are: level, level_a, hp, hp_a, mp, mp_a, atk, def, spi,
# agi, weapon, armor1, armor2, armor3, armor4, weapon1,
# weapon2, attack, skill, guard, item, equip, status, save,
# game_end, fight, escape, new_game, shutdown, to_title,
# continue, cancel, gold
# \p - prints price (Items, Weapons, or Armors ONLY)
# \spd - prints speed stat value (Skills or Items ONLY)
# \dmg - prints damage stat value (Skills or Items ONLY)
# \var - prints variance stat value (Skills or Items ONLY)
# \atkf - prints Attack F stat value (Skills or Items ONLY)
# \spif - prints Spirit F stat value (Skills or Items ONLY)
# \hr - prints hit ratio (Skills or Weapons ONLY)
# \mpc - prints mp cost value (Skills ONLY)
# \mpr - prints mp rate percentile (Items ONLY)
# \mpv - prints mp value (Items ONLY)
# \hpr - prints hp rate percentile (Items ONLY)
# \hpv - prints hp value (Items ONLY)
# \pn - prints paramter name (MaxHP etc...) (Items ONLY)
# \pv - prints parameter points (50, etc...) (Items ONLY)
# \eva - prints evasion (Armors ONLY)
# \atk - prints Attack (Weapons or Armors ONLY)
# \def - prints Defense (Weapons or Armors ONLY)
# \spi - prints Spirit (Weapons or Armors ONLY)
# \agi - prints Agility (Weapons or Armors ONLY)
# ** RPG::BaseItem
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - description
class RPG::BaseItem
# * Description
alias modalg_desc_codes_description_extract_8fn3 description
def description
# Get duplicate of actual description
text = modalg_desc_codes_description_extract_8fn3.dup
# Substitute codes for their actual values
text.gsub! (/\\n\[(\d+)\]/i) { $game_actors[$1.to_i].name } # Actor Name
text.gsub! (/\\c\[(\d+)\]/i) { $data_classes[$1.to_i].name } # Class Name
text.gsub! (/\\s\[(\d+)\]/i) { $data_states[$1.to_i].name } # State Name
text.gsub! (/\\v\[(\d+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i].to_s } # Variable
text.gsub! (/\\e\[(\d+)\]/i) { $data_elements[$1.to_i].name } # Element
text.gsub! (/\\vocab\[(\w+)\]/i) {eval ("Vocab.#{$1.to_s}")}# Vocabulary
# Skill or Item ONLY
if self.is_a? (RPG::UsableItem)
text.gsub! (/\\spd/i) { self.speed } # Speed
text.gsub! (/\\dmg/i) { self.base_damage } # Damage
text.gsub! (/\\var/i) { self.variance } # Variance
text.gsub! (/\\atkf/i) { self.atk_f } # Attack F
text.gsub! (/\\spif/i) { self.spi_f } # Spirit F
# Skill or Weapon ONLY
text.gsub! (/\\hr/i) {self.hit} if self.is_a? (RPG::Weapon) || self.is_a? (RPG::Skill)
# Item ONLY
if self.is_a? (RPG::Item)
text.gsub! (/\\hpr/i) { self.hp_recovery_rate } # HP Percent
text.gsub! (/\\hpv/i) { self.hp_recovery } # HP Value
text.gsub! (/\\mpr/i) { self.mp_recovery_rate } # MP Percent
text.gsub! (/\\mpv/i) { self.mp_recovery } # MP Value
text.gsub! (/\\pv/i) { self.parameter_points } # Param. Value
if text[/\\pn/i]
vocab = ["Max + #{Vocab.hp}", "Max + #{Vocab.mp}", Vocab.atk,
Vocab.def, Vocab.spi, Vocab.agi]
text.gsub! (/\\pn/i) { vocab[self.parameter_type] } # Param. Name
# Items, Weapons, or Armor ONLY
unless self.is_a? (RPG::Skill)
text.gsub! (/\\p/i) { self.price }
# Armor ONLY
text.gsub! (/\\eva/i) {self.hit} if self.is_a? (RPG::Armor)
# Armor or Weapon ONLY
if self.is_a? (RPG::Armor) || self.is_a? (RPG::Weapon)
text.gsub! (/\\atk/i) { self.atk }
text.gsub! (/\\def/i) { self.def }
text.gsub! (/\\spi/i) { self.spi }
text.gsub! (/\\agi/i) { self.agi }
# Return the text with substituted codes
return text