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Getting my ass together

And I don't mean literally.

I'll be 19 in a couple of weeks, and quite preferably, I'd don't want to spend another 6 months in this hell hole I call home. Tired of the attitudes, siblings, parents talking shit behind my back. I'm just tired of it all. I have been unsuccessful in finding a job around here, I've put in app after app after app and it just isn't working. Furthermore, I had decided that I'd try to stay longer to at least attend college, that sure and the hell isn't going to work out as I may end up blowing my brains out should I have to stay any longer than I'd like.

I'm not sure on what I can do to get on the right track here. Whatever the case, it seems vastly impossible to stay here for another 6 months, at least I would be a bit satisfied if I had my own money, because I'd be buying my own food and whatnot.

Anybody have any tips or any advice that may help me choose the right direction, if there is one?



go to college and just ignore everyone. its not that bad, you have food and a place to live, youre only 18. just relax. when i was 18 I wanted to leave too, just keep applying for jobs. have you tried mcdonalds?
Getting a job is MUCH easier if you have an in already. Filling out blind applications isn't likely to get you anywhere if your resume sucks. Ask your friends with jobs if their bosses are hiring, or make friends with the employees of a place you want to work. You could also try checking out your city's jobs program.

That said, getting a college degree is a really good idea because you can't do diddly squat without one these days. Lots of colleges have great finaid if your parents are even sort of poor. If they're not, you might consider applying to one below your level and getting a scholarship. Sounds like moving into a dorm might not be a bad idea if you can do it without taking out millions of loans.
Now of course I don't know about how it works in the US "behind the scenes", however while having a pretty regularly paying dayjob as a web and graphics designer, I sometimes help other people out with photography, design, advertisement video or something of the sort, which occasionally pays out one way or the other, be it money or something else.
I'm pretty sure everyone who found their way into a game design-oriented forum has at least something they can use to make money off of, and while it's irregular pay (and therefore not something you should expect to pay for your expenses each month entirely), it's something that doesn't need you to stick to certain working hours, meaning you'll be able to do it on your own time, whenever you feel like it. Personally, I'm taking a great deal of fun in photography, so getting something in return for what I like to do is pretty much a win-win ;) (and the reason why I kind of regret I didn't become a photographer... T_T )

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