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Gerald - Full Pixel Character - updated (more contrast!)

Gerald is the main character of a project I've been working on for half a year now. That is half a year of story development and artwork. Gerald has had 5 redesigns, and this is the final. The colours might change, but as for the costume in general, this is how it stays. I want constructive criticism and/or positive comments (that is, I don't want any "this sucks" comments).
This took me about 5 hours to complete. Done in paint.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v695/ ... rald-2.png[/imgzoom]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v695/ ... Gerald.png[/imgzoom]

Thats pretty damn nice. The head is hella small compared to the rest of the body, the feet are tilted downwards. but other than that its pretty solid sprite.

Waiise":2x4sjl4y said:
I want constructive criticism and/or positive comments (that is, I don't want any "this sucks" comments).

Thing about that. Not to sound like a douche. But if you can't take crits then you shouldn't post here. Its in the rules for this forum. Which actually makes me question if this is for resource analysis or are you just doing it to do it? Because I do believe this is in the wrong place. :/

And get graphics gale. Its free and it sure as hell won't take you 5 hours on just one sprite. Because thats some serious time for something you could do in like 1 hours time with PS or Graphics gale mate.
Makasu":1bp14tm3 said:
Waiise":1bp14tm3 said:
I want constructive criticism and/or positive comments (that is, I don't want any "this sucks" comments).

Thing about that. Not to sound like a douche. But if you can't take crits then you shouldn't post here. Its in the rules for this forum. Which actually makes me question if this is for resource analysis or are you just doing it to do it? Because I do believe this is in the wrong place. :/

What I meant was: I don't want to get a comment that says only "that sucks" people can say it's bad if that's their opinion, just remember to tell me why :)

other than that, thanks for the comment, and I'm trying to fix what you mentioned ;)
He's very flat and pretty pillowhsaded. The colors are really bland and you need to up the contrast and add some highlights to really show form.
Jeska":32l8vio1 said:
keep going with the contrast!!!!!!

never enough p-p-precious contrast.. *rubs hands together*

I didn't work on the contrast before I updated the last one, I only adjusted the height of it to make the head seem bigger. Thanks for reminding me though.

@draft92: thanks!
This are some pretty good pixels. The only thing I can say right now is that the shoulders look too straight and should be rounded a bit more. Also, what is that on his chest? Is it a zipper? If so, it's a pretty big zipper. :/
That's his rank, I suppose you wouldn't know as they are just made up ranks by me for my project. Thanks for the comment though!

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