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Generic Credits Script

Alright while scripting I found an easy way to make a cool looking Credits Script that looks like it's part of the title graphic. Look at in in action...


Script ~

# * Credits Menu
# A credits menu that scrolls up the Title Screen. Useful for a professional
# looking game.
class Window_Scroll < Window_Base
  attr_accessor :credits
  def initialize
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    self.opacity = 0
    self.back_opacity = 0
  def initcredit
    #PUT Credits HERE
    @credits = Hash.new("")
    @credits[0] = "~Script by:"
    @credits[1] = "SASUKE89"
  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = Color.new(38,38,38)
    self.contents.font.size = 12
    self.contents.font.name = 'PT Taj Mahal'
    for i in 0...@credits.size
      self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 480, (i * 32) + 32, @credits.to_s)
class Scene_Title
  alias s89main main
  alias s89update update
  def main
  def update

Instructions ~

Error says "undefined method `update' for nil:NilClass"":24as5vq4 said:
To fix this error go to the original Scene_Title and add this after line 43 :"@scroll_window = Window_Scroll.new"
To add credits to the script all you have to do is find the part of the script that says:


#PUT Credits HERE

@credits = Hash.new("")

@credits[0] = "~Script by:"

@credits[1] = "SASUKE89"


After :"@credits[1] = "SASUKE89"" add a new line and insert :"@credits[Following #] = "Credits Name"". Where "Following #" is put the number that follows the credit number thats on the line before the line you are on.
Does that current font clash with your title graphic? Here's your tutorial on how to fix that.
Changing Font Size":24as5vq4 said:
To change the font size find the following line :"self.contents.font.size =" and change the number that follows.
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(38,38,38)
self.contents.font.size = 12
self.contents.font.name = 'PT Taj Mahal'
Changing Font Color":24as5vq4 said:
To change the font color find the following line :"self.contents.font.color = Color.new" and change the three numbers that follow. To find a new color go in Paint or any other photo editing software and copy the Red Green and Blue values and put them in the script.
Changing Font":24as5vq4 said:
To change the font find the following line :"self.contents.font.name = " and change the name of the font that follows
this script doesn't seem to do anything.... I want to get it working first, but then i'm gonna have it run in my Scene_Gameover...

does anyone know how to get the credits to actually show?

Never mind, the default font color was the same as my background, i feel like an idiot.

Thank you for viewing

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