I found this gem on a foreign language site. Oddly, I think it was either written by or found by SephirothSpawn. It's a snippet to allow a player to go from the Game Over screen to an Inn of sorts:
The problem is that I can't figure out how where the variables are that are passed into the snippet. Where does one predetermine the map_id, map_x, and map_y? And what is case $game_variables
def update
� � if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
� � � $game_temp.gameover=false
� � � case $game_variables[X]
� � � � when y
� � � � $game_map.setup(map_id)
� � � � $game_player.moveto(map_x, map_y)
� � � � $
� � � � when ...
� � � end
� � end
� end
The problem is that I can't figure out how where the variables are that are passed into the snippet. Where does one predetermine the map_id, map_x, and map_y? And what is case $game_variables