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Game Over script-VERY IMPORTANT

obviously, by the fact that I posted this separate from the others, and the title! you can tell this is important.

and it is. In fact, without, i cannot complete my game, or, that is, make it enjoyably playable.

I have modified my battle system so that only one battler is out at a time, (the 1st on the party, and :yes: i have party switching) but when that first battler dies, it gameovers!!!

I REALLY need a script which does NOT say a game over results when there are no battlers in the screen, but when there are none in the party!

also, when that player does die, i need the script to replace them with the runner up, placing them at the bottom of the party. (obviously, if placement is an issue, the code might be like: place at (# of party members)
yeah, sorry, but my mom wouldn't let me on the internet (man phone lines suck) at all yesterday, so i couldn't reply till now, (im at school). once i get home, i'll just upload the whole game. I figure if you have access to all my scripts and game components, you'll be able to tweek it with easy testing.

also, i'm not going to post it here, but e-mail you the savefile.com link. I don't want people stealing an almost fully-functional game.

oh, yeah, and thanks a ton, man! this site is the best.

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