:smoke: OK, now I know this may possibly piss off a few people but I feel this question needs to be asked.
Why do guys pretend to be girls on the internet?
I am starting to see this a lot on forums, especially this one, and I know guys do this on those online games and in chat rooms, but one would think they had too much testosterone to do it.
I'm sure there is the explanation "I am secure with my sexuality, and so I could care less what people on the internet think," going around, but I think that statement is contradictory.
Hey if you wanna have a female avatar or play as a female character in a game, that's fine, but it should stop there IMO. I don't know why this bothers me so much but it does. It's weird?
I have so much more to add but I wanna here other peoples opinion on the subject. Please tell me I'm crazy. :crazy: