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Functions to start and end scenes

This is a very small script that automatizes the start and end of X type of scenes.
You have a start and end scene that call commons events, and active a optional
switch, that you can use to know if in scene or not.



# Functions to start and end scenes

# By gerkrt/gerrtunk

# Version: 1.1

# License: MIT, credits

# Date: 30/09/2011

# Look here for updates or more scripts:

# [url=http://usuarios.multimania.es/kisap/english_list.html]http://usuarios.multimania.es/kisap/english_list.html[/url]




This is a very small script that automatizes the start and end of X type of scenes.

You have a start and end scene that call commons events, and active a optional

switch, that you can use to know if in scene or not.


Example call script:


st_scene 7


Call common event configurated to start scene and active switch 7


end_scene 7


Call common event configurated to end scene and desactive switch 7


-You can use the short alias for each one: s_s and e_s, work equals.

-Note that the switch id is optional. If no pased don touch nothing.






module Wep

  Event_start_scene = 6 # Common event id that start scene

  Event_end_scene = 7 # Common event id that end scene



class Interpreter



  # * Start cutscene    


  def st_scene(sw_id=nil)

    $game_switches[sw_id] = true if sw_id != nil

    $game_temp.common_event_id = Wep::Event_start_scene 

    # Refresh map

    $game_map.need_refresh = true




  # * Start cutscene(short alias)  


  def s_s(sw_id=nil)






  # * End cutscene    


  def end_scene(sw_id=nil)

    $game_switches[sw_id] = false if sw_id != nil

    $game_temp.common_event_id = Wep::Event_end_scene 

    # Refresh map

    $game_map.need_refresh = true




  # * End cutscene(short alias)  


  def e_s(sw_id=nil)








module Wep

  Scripts_list = [] unless defined? Scripts_list

  Scripts_list.push ('Functions to start and end scenes')


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