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[Fulfilled] VERY SIMPLE REQUEST. Strafing~

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What I want is so that when you press a button, the character's facing direction.

But the thing that limits this to scripts, is that I want it to be locked only as long as the button is held.

This should be very simple, yet helpful to me, so thank you if you do it! ^^
Have you tried using conditional branches? they can be used exactly the way you want (lock as long as the buton is held). Don't use the event to store the button into a variable(forgot the name...), make it directly with the conditional...

I hope you understand this...
Uhm, no, it can only detect when a button is pressed.

Not when its being held.

You should try reading my post, and maybe my sig, and try to draw some conclusions from that.

That I probably know and have been around/used events more than you..

Anyways, I'm still looking for the script.

Anyone? ^^
I did something exactly like this for a survival/shooter game with common event. It's really simple, even with a script. I can do it for you.

You have 3 choices of input. Trigger, Press, Repeat.
In this case, i think that Input.press is the better choice. Unless you want to toggle it.

EDIT: Here's the tiny script"
# ** Game_Character
#  This class deals with characters. It's used as a superclass for the
#  Game_Player and Game_Event classes.

# This is the switch id for toggling
Strafe_Switch = 1

class Game_Character
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :direction_fix
  # * Alias Listing
  alias dargor_strafe_update update
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If SHIFT is pressed
    if Input.press?(Input::SHIFT) and strafe_enable?
      $game_player.direction_fix = true
      $game_player.direction_fix = false
    # Original Update Methode
  # * Frame Update
  def strafe_enable?
    return $game_switches[Strafe_Switch]
Oh! Thats perfect! See, told you it would be simple ;]

Not to be a whiny brat or anything, but is it possible to be able to switch the effect on/off by using a switch?

I'm really ashamed, I KNOW that something simple in RGSS. If only I learned it.. >__>"
Phoenix~Lament;171672 said:
Uhm, no, it can only detect when a button is pressed.

Not when its being held.

You should try reading my post, and maybe my sig, and try to draw some conclusions from that.

That I probably know and have been around/used events more than you..

Anyways, I'm still looking for the script.

Anyone? ^^

Don't mean to bring this post back up... but wow you were just a complete dick to someone trying to help you. What gave you the right to be that rude when all he was doing was trying to help? Maybe he DID read your signature and was trying to find a way to help you accomplish your goal of "events only." Maybe you should read his post and think before you type. I am completely surprised that anyone helped you at all.
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