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Fuck yes yes yes yes yes... oh by the way, yes.


Awesome Bro

Twirly, it's because the topic is either;

A) Too big for Video Games
B) Too illiterate to have a proper thread

Wyatt, there's 3 games in the Final Fantasy XIII universe, read up;
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabula_Nov ... ntasy_XIII

Bottom line;
Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy Agito XIII are all set in the same fictional universe etc. but in different times, locations, worlds and so on, so they're all unrelated but will obviously have similarities.

I mean fuck, Agito XIII has school kids playing cards by the look of it...
Of course it has to involve crystals >.>

Oh well, at least Nomura's character designs look male. 3 out of the 4 are even wearing plausible clothing! Even the hair is feasible.

I give him another game and a half to draw better eyes. He is getting there though.


Awesome Bro

Lol yeah, he's definitely getting better, although to be fair, of all the Final Fantasy designs, I like his the best, since they seem to be more creative, I mean fuck, look at Final Fantasy X, some of the best character designs of the series if you ask me...
they're talking about the upcoming FFX9 or what is it now
the pictures are looking good. what were you guys saying about better face graphics? you can't be getting this from those 3 screen shots :x




Awesome Bro

Can't see the image D:

But meh, they looked like plastic on Final Fantasy XIII too...

I think it's just Japanese devs, trying to make their characters look really young with perfect skin, even when they're meant to be old!

I mean think about it, everyone looks young on Final Fantasy XIII, even Sazh doesn't look as old as he claims to be!
And then if you've played White Knight Chronicles, EVERY FUCKER IS MADE OF PLASTIC ON THAT! There are like, zero wrinkles in that game, except on enemies, none of the story characters though...

And then there's every Dynasty/Samurai Warriors game ever made where everyone has this near perfect skin and look in their 20's despite being the best swordmen/spearmen in dynasty history...

You know what, I'm gonna' say about 90% of Japanese devs do this...
They might do that, but look at Asians in general. Only (semi famous) one I can think of right now, is Grant Imahara from Mythbusters (who also controlled R2D2 in the Star Wars films). He's 40 some odd, yet he looks like he's ~20.


Imo, they're doing what they see in their lives and putting it to their games. Everyone looks 2 years old when they're over 9000.

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