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FrontPage Help



I need to make a sort of map for my friends' dance studio. What I need to do is when I "mouse-over" one specific spot (hotspot), it changes the picture to an different one; when clicked on, transfers you to a different page, when "moused-over" an other hotspot it changes to an other picture ect... I'm basically trying to make a tour.

(Example Below)
http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n75/ ... p-Main.gif[/IMG]
When "moused-over" "Studio C", it changes to the picture below:
http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n75/ ... udio-C.gif[/IMG]
When not "moused-over", it goes back to the main picture.

Help is much appreciated!

Best Regards,
Don't use Frontpage. If you're not going to code it yourself, use Dreamweaver. It handles code much more professionally and more cleanly.
Front page wouldn't have this as a built-in feature, but I bet there is a way using some html...

(P.s. use notepad or dreamweaver, much better. I used FP for 2 years but then found out it's much easier in notepad of DW).



Alright. I know it is possible to do this in FrontPage. Though, you are probably right, I'd be better off using Dreamweaver :).

Actually, you might want to invest in learning Image Mapping..
That is actually what you'll need to accomplish this... just search for HTML help and a multiple of sites should come up.... then break out the Notepad and apply the tags...
No, it handles circles/ovals as well, and even custom shapes. I do it in Dreamweaver, and it's as easy as the rectangle and oval tools in Paint, but I can imagine it being a pain to program.
You can do custom image maps in Frontpage also..if you have to...I don't recommend using FP at all..because it sucks at coding...but if you have to..the feature is there...try checking out the help file.

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