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"From my Perspective" - a poem

From My Perspective

        I am alone, harmless,
        floating on the coast,
        half on sea, on land.

        Yet you come, you
        touch, encounter.
        You consume me.
        You capture me.

Your sixth becomes many.

Where am I? It's dark. Cold.
It's lonely. I have no concept
of time. I lash out, violently.
Intentionally? I do not know.
I do not care to know. Yet

I corrupt you, reverse what
you have done to me. Do it
to you. Memories altered.

You are forced to begin anew.
Alternate ending:

...I lash out.
I do not know.
I do not want to know.

All for naught
You enslave me.

You bring me around the world
Far and wide
A circus.
Oh, hey everybody
Come look at my ?

But, it is fleeting.

What lies on the horizon?
please. respect my art. there's no need to edit this to suit your own purposes.

this reflects my own personal experiences. i'd prefer that people to not tamper with them.

thank you.
Raven The Dark Angel":1jvl1dz3 said:
what do you mean by your sixth becomes many?

When you caught Missingno in the original games, the sixth item in your slot was duplicated. People used it for Master Balls, Rare Candies, etc.
samboy":14toh7wb said:
Pokemon. I should have guessed...

What was your first clue? Was it the Pokemon topic icon?

It was okay, Des, but if you did one about Squirtle it'd be about twenty fuckbillion times better. :D

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