Envision, Create, Share

Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.

free verse poem - Web

I sit here
at the edge of a thousand worlds
staring into my portal
hiding from reality

I'm born to die
and I'll Die to live
How i long to Dive strait in

into your world
your reality
to fight your demons
and mine alike

but of these things
i want nothing more
than to see your face
staring back
through my portal door

now i see
our fantasy
was nothing more
than light and tin

But I'll always know
that you are there
sealed beyond the portal where
my word
bolts the door
my promise seals me in.

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HBGames is a leading amateur video game development forum and Discord server open to all ability levels. Feel free to have a nosey around!


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