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Free Storylines (Must Credit!)

Howdy, this is Cowboy. This thread is for all of those poor souls *sad fiddle music* who can't seem to think of any storylines to demonstrate their game making talent...

Well, one sexy Cowboy is going to change all of that *Heavy Metal music* I bring you, people of RMXP.ORG, my storylines!!!!!!

':|Okay, I have to admit, that was a bit much. You can use any of these fine storylines in your game, just be sure to credit;). Some of these are more detailed than others, you see I kind of have ADD- Oh look a butterfly!- So I finish some ideas and I just think up others. I'll post 2 to start and we'll see how people like them. If you guys like my style I'll post more!

On to the storylines!

The Eve of _____(Ahhhh, one of my first game plots)
5,000 years ago, there was nothing but the two gods. One was the Lord of Life, he crafted man and all life itself. He was a kind god indeed. Then, there was the God of Death. He despised life and crafted disease, famine, and war. This god was an evil god indeed. The Lord of Life created a wonderous world, inhabited by beauty and love. The God of Death saw it, and hated it. He flexed his power by destroying all life, but the Lord of Life stopped him before he could destroy the last 6 humans. The Lord of Life was enraged and gave these 6 power, enough to defeat the God of Death and seal him in the darkest abyss.

The 6 are called pylorites. Once again, the Lord of Life filled the planet with beauty and people. This time, however, there was no death to halt the population's number. Soon there were simply too many people. The Lord of Life realized that a balance must be maintained of life and death, so he ordered the pylorites to let the God of Death kill once again. Soon, a natural flow was established. The Lord of Life would reign for 20 years and the God of Death would take over for the next 20 years. This became known by the people as the Cyle of _____. All was well and good, until...(Dun Dun Dun)

A man, by the name of Bazil, was unsatisfied. This reason was (I left this section open for you, the developer of this game. If I gave you a reason it might hamper what you could do in your game. That and I'm a little lazy ;)) Bazil bargained with the God of Death. He told the God that if the God could give him some power, Bazil would unlock the pylorites' seal (Every 20 years they lock him up). The God of Death agreed, and Bazil performed a gruesome ritual. He killed his wife. His 2 year old child fled and was raised by a falconer (cause they are amazing). Bazil gained the power he needed and sealed the pylorites in various locations around the world.

Now, 17 years later, the Cycle of ____ is no more. Death reigns. You assume the role of the now 19 year old child and must save the pylorites, and defeat your evil father.

Well, that's one idea, on to the second!

Maestro(One of my favorites)
This land was created by the gods, known as the Everlasting Composers. In place of magic, there is music. Music governs the elements of the world. Brass controls fire, Woodwinds control air, Strings control water, and Percussion and Drums control the rock and earth (these are instrument groups btw). Before the gods, there was only a song. This song is called the Glorified Psalm, and it governs everything. It has everything thing that has ever happened or will happen written in its mysterious notes. People who use magic and control the elements are called Maestros.

There is one Maestro who has devoted his life to studying the anciet psalms and hymns. His wife falls ill and dies. Heartbroken, he vowes to find the Glorified Psalm's location and rewrite his wife's death. Blinded by grief he does not realize that rewriting the Psalm will destroy humanity O_o. WHO CAN POSSIBLY STOP HIM FROM DESTROYING HUMANITY AS WE KNOW IT?!?!?

Back to our world. There is a group of kids going to compete in the International Band thingy (I forget its name:p...). Well these kids, each from a different country, wind up in this other world and must band together to save it! Pretty cool amirite?

Well, there ya go. A couple of plots for you youngins to use for your games. Just remember to credit me. Also if you want me to post more plots, please post and tell me :thumb:. Thanks and have a pleasant tomorrow :D.
I have to agree with the others: nothing really special about the "Cycle", and "Maestro" was quite interesting. I myself had a vaguely similar idea (which I'll probably get around to posting someday), except the player was in the role of the husband, and rather than bring her back he can only be satisfied with bringing vengeance to her killers. Very nice idea, though. The music style gameplay could be very interesting.

Didn't there use to be a thread for plot ideas that people didn't want to personally make games of, but didn't want to go to waste either? It might have been on .net only, I'm not sure. It was called the story graveyard, or something like that.
@Oceanray: Yeah, I think that music would translate into gameplay quite nicely. I'll post some more plots over the weekend.

@Elias: LPPACS, baby. It's in PA.
When I read about the music one, I immediately thought of it's similarity to the Score in Tales of the Abyss. They both have the past and future written down.

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