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I know the last thing our scripters want is a difficult request. I'm afraid I am no scripter, and am in need of a script for my upcoming game, Man of Smoke.

I'll get right to the point.

A point and click ABS/DBS mix. It goes to a scene with backgrounds and enemy battlers, but the cursor acts to make it a abs by clicking to attack. Similar to an fps. I'm wording it wrong, and I'm sorry for that, but it is the best I can do.

If this is not possible, please tell me so I can stop fantasizing.

EDIT: Oh, there will only need to be one person in the party. Not multiiple, I'm not insane.



You could use Fotz pixel majiggy to set off the basis of each pixel being a part of the enemy and so that the crosshair moves across the screen in a smooh 8 direction...then you could make a Cross Hair as a character and set up an common event with a basic script where it should destroy the picture on click of a certain button etc....its pretty simple.



Yes, pretty simple, unfourtunatley, I'm not a scripter. I could not write a single line of script if I wanted to, but thanks for the tip, simplifying it a bit. If anyone wants to help me out, I'd be very thankful, and willing to repay your hardships somehow..

EDIT: Sorry, I've only got four bucks in my wallet...

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