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Fox5's Sprites (Now with 6 sprites!) (PA)

Fox5's Sprites

MASSIVE UPDATE!!! Been spriting all morning, and I've got five new sprites to show!!!!

Boy in Jumper - Complete

Red Robed Girl - Complete

http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/9244 ... ketaj0.png[/img]
Boy in Jacket - Complete (Updated: The pants have been darkened)

http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/9073 ... rtsbl3.png[/img]
Boy in T-Shirt - W.I.P (Need views on what colour the shorts should be)

http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/7374 ... irtcc2.png[/img]
Boy in White T-Shirt - W.I.P NEW

http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/5708 ... plehc2.png[/img]
Armour - W.I.P (Need some criticism on this one to make it better)

These resources are free to use in your game, so long as you credit me.
Hon, you're linking to:
http://C:\Users\[yourname]\Documents\RPGXP\RMXP Graphics Archive\Characters\Boy

That's on your local drive, not on the interweb. Putting "http://" in front of something doesn't make it a URL :smile:
Well fox5, for first attempt, is not bad. Actually, I wouldn't expect different from a first attempt.
However, the sprites have several flaws, that in time you will be able to correct.
First: pillow shading - such shading does not look attractive. In any sprite.
Second: inversed shadowing - the middle of the chest looks like it has been inverse shadowed. This means it's too dark in the middle and too bright around.
Third: flat palette - dull colours and small amount of color usage leads to that. Sorry my friend, but you won't get far if you use colors like these. STAY AWAY FROMV THE MONSTRUOUS COLOR PALETTES! THEY WILL HAUNT YOU! No, seriously, you can find better colors. That's all.


Awesome Bro

Not bad at all for a first try !, I was rubbish when I started, but now I'm great at spriting.

A couple of tips to try though, lighten your outlines as they look too close to black, and see if you can add hair to him following some tutorials, then it will look very impressive !



It's kind of creeping me out, being able to see his abs and pecs through his shirt. Is that green latex or cloth? He looks like he's about to shout "by the power of Greyskull!" any minute now.

Generally, cloth covers up body detail a little. Shirts are thin enough that you can just draw them right onto the template without pushing it out from the torso like, say, a sweater, but not so thin and skintight that you can see someone's abs right through the cloth. The bottom and sides of the pecs aren't out of the question, but the cleft between them generally isn't visible through cloth either.

Aside from that, just follow the rest of the advice in this thread and you should be fine.


Awesome Bro

Looking good now, although the hair bugs me, the front pose looks really good, but it looks like you've added a green colour to the other ones and just randomly places pixels there, change the green to a dark brown (Darker than the base colour) and try to make them look more like hair lines than random pixels.

I must say, this is REALLY good for your first, hehe.
its decent if not lacking visual interest. My one grip however, the hair needs more definition, try using colors that contrast a little more so the detail can be seen
Hmm, yeah. The back dosn't look right here. However, the real sprite doesn't look like that. I think Imageshack has distorted it slightly. I'll get it fixed though.

Meanwhile, I've started work of the girl. Stay tuned for an update on that later on.
:thumb: MASSIVE UPDATE!! :thumb: Been spriting all morning, and there are now five sprites to use, criticise and comment on. Check first post.
they're not bad at all.
1st sprite- it's too simple looking. maybe give it a unique hair style?
2nd one- looking good. that red is a bit bright, imo.
3rd sprite- the clothes look great. make the pants darker, so they don't blend with the jacket.
also, normally a jacket isn't so tight. and hair looks sick green. or is it just the bg?
4th sprite- white T-shirt is best, imo. shorts can be less tight.
5th- not my area. although metal would have more contrast.

sorry if I'm too harsh. for the record, I can't sprite to save my life. XD
thanks for the advise and comments, but I won't be editing the first two sprites now. however, I will darken the third one and make another version of the fourth one with a white shirt.

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