I just tried it, and you wouldn't believe how much space I cleared up. 1 GB! All basically temp files, cookies, cache files I believe, ect. After Christmas, I am probably going to try to find a good deal on an 8 GB or maybe a 16 GB flash drive to put my music, pictures, RMXP stuff, and my downloads on to free up alot of space. Plus, I will probably try defragmenting my computer before I leave for Kung-Fu tonight and just let it run overnight, since I haven't done that since probably 6+ months ago. :huh:
I looked on how to dual boot my computer with XP and Vista, and I found a site explaining how to do it without a Vista DVD (since my computer did not come with one, Vista being pre-installed), but I need to figure it out so I don't mess anything up, as I am somewhat prone to do. :blush: