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Foolishness [Poem]



I wrote this a while ago, but the ending was different.  When I was rereading it earlier, I decided to edit it so that it was more true to life.  Comments and critiques are welcome.

Remember when we were best friends?
Quite inseparable we were.
Then you moved and we lost touch.

You kept the picture we took,
And cry now that it is gone.
You were always so sentimental.

I came for your birthday;
I gave you a glass doll.
You cherished it;
Revered it.
Is it still your most beloved?

Years have passed;
We grew up.
Even though we have found each other,
Our years apart have changed us.

We no longer know the other
As well we once did.
But still we try.

Our favorite memories have passed,
But still, we have each other.
We were once the best of friends,
Though now we rarely talk.

After nine years,
Do we still feel the same?
Are we still best friends?
Or are we merely being foolish?

You’ve been through so much;
I’m still the same.
You moved on;
I never could.
Am I being foolish?

You’ve found other friends,
While I stayed alone.
You’ve even dated,
But alone I remained.
You asked me why I never moved on.
Why was I so foolish?

I said I liked you;
Did I lie?
Are my feelings real?
Or are they just a boyhood fantasy?
Am I really all that foolish?

You’ve been hurt before;
I don’t want to do the same.
So for now, it is best we remain
Forever the best of friends.

We’ll take it slow,
And maybe when I know for sure,
We will be something more.
Am I still being foolish?

As I sit here writing,
I battle myself.
For once I am truly afraid
Of driving someone away.

When you left,
I never moved on.
Like a wolf with no pack,
I grew lonesome.
I feared forgetting you;
Never recalling the times we shared.

Now, I know…
I was being foolish.

I will never forget you,
The one person to make my day brighter.
All you need do is be near,
And I will smile.
I am still foolish.

I care for you deeply,
Though I don’t know why.
I keep being drawn to you,
And I am unsure why.
You once were my best friend,
And now may mean more.

I cry as I write this,
Trying to decide:
Do I want to be foolish?
Or should I take that chance?
Will I always remain only a friend?
Or should I risk everything?

I think I have decided though only time will tell.
I don’t want to be foolish anymore.

I will take that chance;
I hope you’ll be there with me.
And I hope by that time,
I will no longer be foolish.

We did try our luck;
Risking it all.
We were foolish.

I should have known;
Should have realized.
I thought I was in love;
That you were my world.
I was foolish.

All that I loved
Was but an image;
Not you, but an ideal.
I loved what I thought was you.

Now I know you a bit better,
Though not half as well as I did.
I know now they were false,
The feelings that we shared.

Still, you will not leave my mind.
I can not stop thinking of you;
Dreaming of you,
Even though I know
A dream is all it was.
All it will ever be.

Again you move on;
Again I remain.
I was once so foolish;
I think I still am.
I wish you were, too.

May I be foolish forevermore…

(c) 2007, 2008 - Michael "hmaddict / darkfire" Mazzaferri

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