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Fonon Fields: Anyone play Tales of the Abyss?

For Christmas, I got Tales of the Abyss, with a unique system that might work even though the battle system is different.

What are fonon fields?
Fonon fields are fields of elements that basically change the skill used when the character is inside the fonon field. For example.

A person usually has the skill "Cross Cut", but inside a fire fonon field, the skill would appear as "Cross Cut" on the list, but would automatically change to "Fire Slash" when used on the enemy because of the Fonon Field.

How would this work in the default battle system?
For this script, it would be preferable to be able to set a fonon field to a certain area, such as fire fonon fields in volcano dungeons and water fonon fields near the oceans and so on, Or fonon fields can be brought on by skills.

Before the characters take their turns, their would be a random chance of a fonon field occuring around the character and there would be a message saying, "A fire fonon field is present around Arshes", etc. If the fonon field isn't created by skill, then it is random as to which character(s) have the fonon field. The character's name would then be highlighted with the color of the type of fonon field around them. However, Fonon fields only last a turn or two unless the character is enchanted by another.

A different way for the duration of Fonon fields
Characters have fonon bars that start at 0 at the beginning of every battle. When enemies do damage to the characters, their fonon bars go up. Once their fonon bars get to the max point, the character may not attack or used skills if a fonon field enchants him/her(a little combination with Xenosaga III break damage, which I don't like very much, but it makes it more challenging).

There we go, I hope people have played Tales of the Abyss, if not, it's an awesome game.

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