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First time trying Half Kaizer

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r134 ... ngHelp.png[/img]

First off the stands of hair are too long. Long bangs would look ok if he had big hair, but since you can still see the shape of the head it's suggested that he has short hair or a case of hat hair. Which is way I suggested adding strands of hair on the sides.
Shading wise you were pretty close to getting it right. You can almost see the halo (which we generally use for hair shine) in your version. But that corner messes it up a bit.
I did my best to follow my own advice and give you an example: http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r134 ... ompare.png[/IMGzoom]

And never ever ever save pixel work as Jpeg. It compressed it and leaves artifacts and dust around the sprites and messes with the colors. It's not very noticeable on this one but it's there.
Not too shabby. I'd make the color you have on his lower abdomen a Bit darker . Also don't be afraid to go off the template when dressing him. For instance the cap could use a bit more volume. maybe a pixel wider or at least try to add a bit of a "rim " to it.

ALSO , again, UPDATE YOUR TEMPLATE =O here: http://rmxp.org/templates/hk/index.php

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