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Fire emblem script

Ok, I want a script to immitate the battle system in fire emblem 9(Path of radiance)

This is a short vid of what I want(Excluding 3d graphics): http://youtube.com/watch?v=oylgzbJdRXU

anyway, this is the rundown of what I want"
-Move characters by selecting them
-a results screen before a match that tells your/enemy Hp, hit %, damage(Occasonaly shows X2 if attack twice), and Critical %
-move to new battle screen to show battle.
-choose weapon before battle
-if weapon used a certan # of times, it breaks
-occasionaly, there will be a enemy character that you can talk to with one of your characters to recrut that character.
-occasionaly, there will be other units, who are on no praticular team, enemys attack these units and they attack enemys(also can talk on some occasions)
-occasionaly there will be partner units, who are on your side, but you don't controll there movement Directly
-a new animation if unit makes a critical.
-win conditions include: escape: get the main unit out at a certan area, Arrive:get any unit to a certan square, seize: get main unit to a certan square, defeat boss: Kill boss(Duh), route: Kill all enemys, Defend for # turns: Make sure an enemy unit doesn't get to a certan square in # turns
-if a unit dies in battle, show a cutscene and player doesin't come back, EVER!
-New addition: a mid save where every 5 turns you can save, Good if a character died and you don't want to start toe mission over so he doesin't die.
-activate a cutscene after a certan # of turns
-and, well, I cant really think of anything else, If I think of some later, I'lladd them.
-last point, I don't need a base or before battle prep, it would be nice, but I don't need it

Please help, I don't think I can be any more detailed than this
I can't script, but there are other ways around some of your requests. As to the recruiting - simply create a neutral event - don't name it enemy[whatever], and set it up as a normal event. Alternatively, if you want it as a regular enemy, you can use the event touch function to change a self switch, and then run from there. Pretty sure that works in-battle.

The escape/location thing is pretty simple - I did this myself a while back. Have a set of variables recording the location of the event 'actor1'. Have a parallel process event comparing these to a location on the map where you'd escape - if true, run the common event for victory.

As to the survival thing - in the common event for player turn, add a change variable+1 to a variable named "Turns". Then, a parallel process event checking if the variable is at a certain value.
You'll also need to add a variable change setting "Turns" back to zero once the battle is done.

Hope this helps a little - I'll fiddle around a bit more with the ZTBS and see which of the other things I can do.
gratheo, the way fire emblem battles work is different from the normal battle system. You see, normal FE battles usually has the attacker launch an attack, then if the defender's HP is above 0 they can counterattack. Plus, the enemies and allies retain damage after that unit vs. unit battle.

Hitting the target is based on a RNG that changes based on certain stats. If the hit chance is 100, that means that any number the RNG generates between 1 and 100 will be considered a hit. Likewise, a hit chance of 0 means that any number between 1 and 100 will be classified as a miss.

Damage is different too. You would need to alter the calculation of the damage system to be that where it takes the character's offense and subtract it from the enemy defense, and take the difference as damage. If the number is negative, it will automatically be turned to 0.

Number of times the enemy or you attack in a battle is determined by speed. If your speed is a certain amount higher than the enemy, you get a second attack if you survive the enemy counter. If you wield a "Brave" type weapon, you get a double attack in one round. If your speed is high enough with a brave weapon, you get a total of 4 attacks per battle.

Movement outside of battle is decided by the character's movement stat. This is usually affected by the unit type and if they are mounted (A knight is always going to have less movement points than a myrmidon or lance knight a.k.a a cavalier specialized with lances.) A unit with 5 movement points can move 5 squares. If they have a weapon, red squares appear on the edge of their blue movement area. Red squares indicate range of attack at the edge of the blue area. A unit does not have to move all of it's movement area, and instead move into a spot next to a nearby foe or some defensive terrain.

Speaking of weapon range, some weapons have a range that does not normally fit that weapon type. A handaxe or tomahawk, for example, can not only hit enemies up close, but also be thrown at a foe from a distance. Weapons like bows cannot be used up close, but they normally only can fire two spaces ahead. The long bow item can fire three squares ahead. Some magic spells can reach different distances (A Bolt tome can hit one or two spaces away, but it's more powerful cousin Bolting can hit between 3-10 spaces away for heavy damage but a sometimes low hit rate.)

Terrain will also affect movement/attacking along with defense and dodgeability. A forest or fort will always offer more defense and dodging than a plain or bridge. These terrains also can reduce movement range by costing more movement points or by making it impassible for some units (knights cannot move through hills, and only brigands/pirates/beserkers can cross water and mountains, while any airborne unit can go over any terrain.)

Also, there is a chance with certain weapons and character of getting a critical hit. Also based on a 100 RNG, this only occurs if the attack is a hit. It takes the value of your luck and weapon's critical rating and combines it in some way that I have yet to solve. After the calculations, it gives the chance as a sort of percent. This is where the second RNG comes in. If your attack is deemed to be a hit, it then does it again with this one, and if the number chosen is within the percent, then it triples the damage that would be inflicted. This means that if an attack normally does 12 damage, it now becomes 36. This is considered effective against high HP enemies, since they tend to be hard to kill and have healing items.

Speaking of healing items, there are different healing items. A vulnerary has 3 uses, and each use restores 10 HP regardless of the stats of it's user. Elixers restore 30 HP per use, but I believe they have less uses. Once all of an item's uses hit 0, the item disappears.

About that uses, weapons also have a number next to them. This indicates the weapon's remaining attacks. This is vital to remember, as a character without weapons cannot fight. Iron weapons tend to have the most attacks, but to counterbalance this they have the second lowest stats. The lowest stat weapons are ones that are also very light. These include the slim sword, javelin, hand axe, and short bow. Spells and staves also have "charges" that limit the use of that magic tome or staff.

Now about weapon and magic item weight, these affect how well a character can use the item. The heavier items tend to be fitted for high strength characters. If a weapon's weight exceeds a character's strength, that character suffers many things. This ranges from a reduced attack and dodge rating, to lower speeds and movement range.

Oh, and Max HP for playable characters usually ends up at 60, but it is very rare that it happens without extreme boosting with items or if you actually are patient enough to max out a character to 20 and not use promotion items. In this game though, you can get the next rank by leveling up past 20 to 21 (which I believe resets at level 1 to the next rank, but stats are retained. Most major stat boosts occur at promotion)

Now speaking of ranks and promotions, characters tend to have different types of units or "ranks" as some call them. These ranks determine usable weapons for that character. A sword wielding myrmidon is not going to jump around and chop up a foe with axes or skewer them with lances. Likewise, a Nomad is not likely to go up close and hit enemies with melee weapons. Promotions will allow most ranks to use a new weapon. In Path of Radiance, a knight becoming a General can use swords as well as their preferred lance. An Axe loving Fighter can use Bows once he attains Warrior class.

If there is anything else needed about this script, feel free to ask me. I am kind of like a Fire Emblem Veteran, having beaten Blazing Sword (Plain old Fire Emblem in the U.S.) and playing part of Path of Radiance (what this request is..)

Forgive my exceptionally long post on this subject, but I felt some things needed to be known first.
Wow, thanks for the explination!

Aimed at person who said the player touch event, I want it so that only certan characters can talk and when you go next to them the talk command is in the command list.
Any help is apreciated, I don't need everything on that list right away!

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