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final fantesy scripts



i searched but i couldnt find what i needed i need some scripts that will make my game look alot more like final fantesy x

i need scripts that will make

the ffx sphere grid thing (were you get SG Levels that let you move along the sphere grid)

i need a CBS that will okk like the FFX one only using RTP spirtes instead

a CMS that will look like the FFX one

a party switching script so that you can switch your party dureing battle like in FFX

a 9 character party system (so it could have tidus,yuna,lulu,wakka,kimari,auron,??? and ???(for storyline reasons)

a abilaty that lets you steal the oppnents attack (kimaris lancet)

overdrive system

scripted abilaty's (like flee)

aeon summoning like FFX where only yuna remains and the summoned aeon

oppnents have skills as well

any more you can think off would help my game look like FFX.
Raditz said:
i searched but i couldnt find what i needed i need some scripts that will make my game look alot more like final fantesy x

i need scripts that will make

the ffx sphere grid thing (were you get SG Levels that let you move along the sphere grid)

i need a CBS that will okk like the FFX one only using RTP spirtes instead

a CMS that will look like the FFX one

a party switching script so that you can switch your party dureing battle like in FFX

a 9 character party system (so it could have tidus,yuna,lulu,wakka,kimari,auron,??? and ???(for storyline reasons)

a abilaty that lets you steal the oppnents attack (kimaris lancet)

overdrive system

scripted abilaty's (like flee)

aeon summoning like FFX where only yuna remains and the summoned aeon

oppnents have skills as well

any more you can think off would help my game look like FFX.

1. Already done, try searching

2. Already done as well, again try searching

3. Yet again... uh do I have to say it a third time?

4. I'm confused by this, I don't see why you'd need a 'system' for that

5. Hmm, wasn't 1, 2 and 3 the same answer? cause this one is too.

6. Done! Search!

7. a scripted flee command!?

8. There is one like this done, try searching.

9. Uhh, that comes default with any RPG Maker.
Yeah most of this stuff is done, I personally downloaded demo's and stuff for it when I was looking to create some kind of modification to an old FF System, make it look more original and rename it. I ended up going with a cross between FF6's Esper's and FF9's Equipment Skills.

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