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Final Fantasy

After the site got back up, my account got erased and I had to remake it but alll my posts got deleted and so I'm bringing back up this topic. I would really like a scipt so I could use the battle system in FF advance tactics. And I know not a lot of people would make it for me, but if you could it would be greatly aprecaited if you could give it to me.



You have no idea of the scope of what you're asking for.

There is a TBS in progress, and it's quite good. It should be done soon. Check out Selwyn's topic, if it's around. It should be.

If you can't wait for that, then you'll need to be specific. Not everyone has played FFTA, and even among those who have, we don't remember ever little thing about it.
If TTA indeed has the same system as TT, my TBS took at least a year 2 months to complete. So this system would be awhile to work..but as ccoa said, there's one that could pretty much work that's almost done ^^

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