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Final Fantasy XII "Talk" system.

Hello there.
I am hoping someone here could help me out with this.

Basically, I would like a script that shows some sort of icon over a character who I can interact with, like in FFXII.
And when I approach the person, their name appears above them along with the interaction icon.

I hope this request is easy to understand, as I'm not too good with describing things well.

Thank you, and I hope to hear from someone soon.
Couldnt that be done with some simple changing of the char sprite with events?
Maybe using the Cone of vision script that was on here not long ago. Just make it so that when the player is close enough the Event sprite changes to a one showing an icon above its head.



He could do that, but then again if it was done in a simple script rather then event coding; it would save alot of time for each event that needed it and severly reduce lag. As imagined there will be lots of NPCS and such to talk too.


Awesome Bro

Dude, thats easy... Get the script with the Enemy Encouters (I forgot who wrote it, but it's when you go into a certain area near a monster, it chases you and if it catches up, it goes into a battle)
And change it so when your in the area, the NPC Sprite changes to with a [!] over his/her head or something, and so that he/she doesnt run after you and start battle :P

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