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Final Fantasy VII system

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Hello, I got a request to make. The one who helps me with this will become credited alot and I will give you so much credit!! I will put you in my special Thanks topic and I will also put you in the scripters topic in the credits.

Alright, what I need is a Final Fantasy VII CMS and a materia system combined. I also need the Animated sideview battlesystem, everything combined in a project folder uploaded here. ;)

The project Im about to make will be great and just so you know you are not wasting your time, Im gret with RPMXP. I dont understand a thingabout the script editor though, but I know everything else. Ive been usingRPG maker 2003 before and Im a great mapper. I will create a great FFVII fan game. And for that I need these scripts. Please help me someone. And dont forget Im gonna credit you like hell if you make this work. Also the Animated sideview script, can you make the script so it can use old RPM2k3 sideview batters, it would make it much easier for me. Just so I dont need to edit alot of sprites and stuff. :)

If you help me I will credit you extremely much, if you wanna see what Ive done so far please look at Neoseeker forums RPMXP, Search for a thread called FFVII: the turks. In there theres a small idea I posted a while ago how the game will kind of look like. Please help me someone and sorry for my bad english. Im not so old and Im not from a english speaking country.':|

You mean Ive not ecpressed myself properaly? Well Im not good at english if tahts what you mean. Well this is not really a script request, but maybe someone can combine all this scripts together. When I tried combine the materia system with a FFVII menu it didnt work... Thats why I need your help with this. Also the animated sideview battlesystem... I like to use the rpm2k3 sideview battlers in it but its designed for something else minkoff sideview i think, but there are not so many of them out there, and I dont think there is a Zackminkoff sideview battler. I wonder if someone can make a project folder combine all the scripts I told you about and upload them and give me the link to the download. Is this better?

The CMS I like to combine with the materia script where you call the materia script with a event is Acedent Prone's FFVII Menu System. Maybe this helps some...
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