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Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigger battle systems???

Looking for a good battle system. I'm inclinded to go the traditional way.

I've found good Side View battle systems but none that'll let me animate. I can sprite so why waste the animations (not the best at scripting)? Is there a battle system out there like Final Fantasys Side View but lets me animate as much as Chrono Trigger? Or something close to it.

I'm new. Forgive me if this is a dumb question. Help me. :)

Credit will be given where due.

I'll go into more detail about the battle system I imagine...
Basically a Side View where my characters can run up to the enemy and swing their weapon on the Attack command. Walking up to them isn't nessesary but swinging the weapon and basic movement is. Prefferably the ability to have a small amount of animation when they're not attacking too like breathing and blinking.
My main character has a Scythe and when I say "Attack" I want to see him swing it. When I say "Magic" (or whatever) I want to see him get into a "Magic Stance".
One that is open to editing a bit. I'd probably throw in a few of my own things.

Don't worry about the sprites. If I can get a good battle system going I can always just make some sprites myself.
That's almost what I want.

I noticed the attack animations were slow. Hope there's a way to speed them up to make it look more fluid. :P
The real challenge for me is merging lots of scripts together. Some of my characters transform, want to put in a Battle Menu that puts the names up and down (HP/MP right of the names like FF), etc lol.

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