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final fantasy 7 battle system and menu

Hello, i really need help please,

I have an absolute awesome ff7 cbs , and cms, but the materia script is a little lame, i wanted to basically replace the one it has with sephirothspawns materia script because its awesome.
Im not good at scripting but i dont think its to diffucult, and if someone merges them, it wont just help me but alot of people that want to make Final fantasy games.
Thanks alot,
P.s whoever is willing to do it, let me know which upload site you prefer, for some reason when i use mega upload it only lets me upload one file at a time, i would like to just upload the entire project folder, Is that possible? or even if this site could upload a whole folder, let me know how .
T hanks alot,
If you wish to upload more than one file at a time put it in a compressed folder (zipped or archived) jeez it's so simple it's almost funny ':|... I'm not doing the request btw...

EDIT: That's his job... you can't stop him... no one can...

Joe parz said:
despain if you cant help then dont post anything , its a very simple rule dont you think.

My post was actually very helpful. A picture is worth a thousand words. Even more if it has words on it.

Look at it this way. I was saying this:

Nobody is going to take you seriously. Not only do "lol ff7 battlesystem" posts imply that you're another fanboy with no sense of originality, you're asking for a stuff that, frankly, nobody will even think to do without some incentive. On top of that, your spelling and grammar are just horrendous and nobody will take your request seriously at all if you continue to post like that.

Really, come on. It's not hard to figure out that's what I mean.
dude my spelling is fine, and its not up to you to decide for eveyone on the site, if you dont want to help me then fine, leave me be, and dont post, its very simple. And your picture was condescending. And i dont appreciate being corrected for my spelling, which was fine by the way. And for the record this is a forum not an english essay, my point and topic was clearly stated, dont act like you couldnt understand it. Your just trying to find somethign to rag on me about and spelling was first to come to mind.

Wow dude, you actually judged me by calling me a fanboy and how im unoriginal, how the hell do you know me, or how original i am, so back off man, i didnt say nothing offensive to you. If you didnt like my request,
Step 1, turn your head
step 2, look at something else
inserting a LMAO at my post was condescending not helpful, get it straight, if you came across like a helpful person, you might have said" Hey man, your post is kind of bland, and its hard to follow, could you please reword so we can understand your request a little better"

and to top it all off you come back calling me an unoriginal fan boy for no reason. Real mature.

Bottom Line, if you dont want to help, then dont post, very simple, i dont know why an intelligent person like you who has the nerve to criticize spelling cant understand that.

Forum is meant to be helpful not condescending.
Joe parz said:
And i dont appreciate being corrected for my spelling, which was fine by the way.

Joe parz said:
Hello, i really need help please,

I have an absolute awesome FF7 CBS and CMS, but the materia script is a little lame. I wanted to basically replace the one it has with Sephirothspawn's materia script because it's awesome.
I'm not good at scripting, but I don't think it's too difficult, and if someone merges them, it won't just help me, but alot of people that want to make Final Fantasy games.
Thanks alot.
P.S. Whoever is willing to do it, let me know which upload site you prefer. For some reason when I use mega upload it only lets me upload one file at a time. I would like to just upload the entire project folder, is that possible? Or even if this site could upload a whole folder, let me know how.
Thanks alot.
I also had to delete a few random spaces that you threw in.

And people say you are an unoriginal fanboy because you want all these FFVII scripts, which usually FFVII fanboys want.
wow dude if capital letters bother you that much, i think you should get a life, and maybe a girlfriend.
i, and I both mean the same thing, like i said its a forum not an english essay, if you seriously want to take the time pick at my uncapatalized letters than good luck to you. but i feel bad for you.........

and you said im asking for ALL these ffVII scripts like a fanboy, what did i ask for, i did not ask for one script i just asked for a merge, get your facts straight buddy, and if you noticed i didnt use capitals again, im curious to see if youll take the time out of your life to go and correct them again lol.
thanks raziel, now see that was the proper way to assess the situation, you were polite and helpful, i just get aggravated when people are rude for no reason. I know what your saying Raziel , just sometimes i get lazy online lol, especially after writing so much in school. But as you can see ive edited my grammar so you guys will be happy.

hey its a forum alright but nowadays people just forget about grammar and if it's ok, i mean if the other person can understand what he is saying, then what's the f'n problem...
that despain just seems to me like a very stupid man, yeah stupid, or is that in lowercase???... sorry STUPID, i hope now that i put it this way people could understand ;)
by the way, if he is a fanboy, then what's the problem. If he wants help, then let him ask, if nobody answers then its his problem, rpg maker isn't just for pros, if he has fun creating a game like ff7, HELL YEAH not "FF7", then what's the f'n problem, let him have it. it's just crazy that answer from that despair, despain or whatever the name is, he/she is just a very lame and arrogant person, peace and i dont think i will revisit this forum for a while, got lot's to do (in case that f'n despair...whatever... tries to answer) and sorry for the people who can be ofended by this but it's my opinion bout what happened in this thread.

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