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Final Fantasy 6\3 Battle system

I've been looking on the RGSS Submitted segment and I couldn't find a script that is exactly or almost like the battle system from FF6.
Is there a script floating around that is like it here?
No one is going to do your request with just one screenshot and no details

To quote the thread

b. If you're requesting something from a commercial game, do not assume that we know what you're talking about. Not everyone has played every game, and even if we have, that doesn't make us experts on the system. Describe it in detail, and provide screenshots where appropriate.

Custom Battle System
Sorry to say, but your chances of getting this are pretty slim. Unless it's an easy mod of one of the existing CBS's or the DBS, scripting a CBS is a long, difficult process, and unless you have a scripter who owes you a favor, you're not too likely to get it. Feel free to try, though. You might get lucky.

Once again, be specific about what you want. Include mock-up screenshots. If it's a copy of a commercial game battle system, describe the system in detail and post screenshots. If it needs to work with another script, like changing equipment in battle, for example, let us know ahead of time.
Well see I still want to use the character sprites but have it to were once they attack they use there weapons like in FF6, yet I've found a script like it, but I don't want the characters to move to the monsters but instead move one or two steps forward then attack and move back.
And as for Ccoa's battle system I've considered it yet I'd rather not use it for the requirement of special battle sprites.
Because as I said I'm looking for either a script that is the same as the ff6 one or something almost exact, and I'd rather not use special battle sprites for the heroes.
Giarc Maj;111474 said:
You don't need an FF6 Battle System. You can use Ccoa's Turn Based CBS, the blitz script, the summon script, and the steal items script. That's a complete FF6 battle system. ;)
What about throwing, sword techs, dances, rages, lores, sketching, mimicing, desparation attacks, espers, morphing, relics, the battle formulas, and a bunch of other stuff?

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