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[Filled] [VX]"Load" option on menu, and script assistance.

This is my first time making a request, so forgive me if it's hard to understand. I'll try to make it as clear as possible. And if something like this has already been done, I apologize. I searched around and couldn't find anything, thus why I'm making this topic.

What I'm looking for

I've only been using RPG Maker VX for two weeks now, and I've been having lots of fun with it. I had an idea for a really cool menu, and played around with some scripts I found to try and make it possible.

In short, what I wanted was a Menu that displayed the Location, Play Time, and had the "Party", "Order", and "Load" options added to the options list on the side of the menu.

This is what I'm talking about;

This would be my ideal Menu for my game.

With the help of Dargor's amazing Custom Commands and Party Changer scripts, as well as these two beaufitul scripts;

#            Final Fantasy 9 Styled Menu - MRA_FF9StyleMenu
#                         Author: Mr. Anonymous
#                          Created: 7/31/08
#                       Request by: hrdcorferlife
#  This script places the command window and gold window to the left of the 
# menu status window, as well as repositions the Actor name/level/HP/etc fields.

# ** Scene_Menu
#  This class performs the menu screen processing.
class Scene_Menu  
  # * Start processing
  alias start_MRA_FF9Menu start
  def start
    # Run original process.
    # Define gold and status window's x coordinates.
    @gold_window.x = 384
    @status_window.x = 0    
  # * Create Command Window
  alias create_command_window_MRA_FF9Menu create_command_window
  def create_command_window
    # Run original process.
    # Define command window's x coordinate.
    @command_window.x = 384
    @command_window.opacity = 255

# ** Window_MenuStatus
#  This window displays party member status on the menu screen.
class Window_MenuStatus < Window_Selectable
  # * Refresh
  #  ***Note*** This method is redefined. I was having trouble getting the
  #   alias to work correctly here. It may cause problems with KGC_LargeParty.
  def refresh
    @item_max = $game_party.members.size
    for actor in $game_party.members
      draw_actor_face(actor, 2, actor.index * 96 + 2, 92)
      x = 104
      y = actor.index * 96 + WLH / 2
      # Redefine name, states, level, etc parameter positions. 
      draw_actor_name(actor, x, y - 12)
      draw_actor_state(actor, x + 120, (y - 12) + WLH * 1)
      draw_actor_class(actor, x + 120, y - 12)
      draw_actor_level(actor, x, (y - 12) + WLH * 1)
      draw_actor_hp(actor, x, (y - 12) + WLH * 2)
      draw_actor_mp(actor, x, (y - 14) + WLH * 3)

I modified this one slightly to get the window's size how I wanted it.
#_/ â—† Play Time And Location Window - MRA_LocationPlayTimeWindow â—† VX â—†
#_/ â—‡ Last Update: 2008/05/01 â—‡
#_/ â—† Created by Mr. Anonymous â—†
#_/ Installation: Insert this script above main.
#_/ This script adds a location and playtime window into the menu.
#_/ â—† 2008/05/01 UPDATE [MRA] â—†
#_/ Added a toggle to use a combined playime/location window.

# ★ Customization ★ #
module MRA
module LocationPlayTimeWindow
# â—† Full Size Location and Play Time Windows Toggle â—†
# This toggle allows you to enable/disable the full-size Location and Play
# Time windows that display the below-specified messages above the values.
# true = Full Sized windows in effect.
# false = Compact windows in effect.
# â—† Use Combined PlatTime/Location Window â—†
# â—† Location Window Text â—†
LOC_TEXT = "Location:"

# â—† PlayTime Window Text â—†
PT_TEXT = "Play Time:"

# â–  Game_Map
class Game_Map
# ● Open Global Variable
attr_reader :map_id
# ● Convert and Load Map Name
def map_name
$map_name = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rvdata")

#==================================End Class===================================#

# â–  Window_MapName
# Create the window containing the current map's name.
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::USE_COMBINED_WINDOW == false
# ● Initialize
class Window_Mapname < Window_Base
def initialize(x, y)
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::FULL_SIZE_WINDOWS == true
super(x, y + 6, 300, WLH + 64)
super(x, y + 92, 300, WLH + 22)

# ● Refresh
def refresh
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::FULL_SIZE_WINDOWS == true
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 120, 32, MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::LOC_TEXT)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(4, 32, 120, 32, $game_map.map_name.to_s, 2)
self.contents.draw_text(4, -8, 120, 30, $game_map.map_name.to_s, 2)
#==================================End Class===================================#
# â–  Window_Time
# Create the window containing the running playtime.
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::USE_COMBINED_WINDOW == false
# ● Initialize
class Window_Time < Window_Base
def initialize(x, y)
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::FULL_SIZE_WINDOWS == true
super(x, y + 2, 160, WLH + 64)
super(x, y + 46, 160, WLH + 22)

# ● Refresh
def refresh
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::FULL_SIZE_WINDOWS == true
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 120, 32, MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::PT_TEXT)
@total_seconds = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate

hours = @total_seconds / 60 / 60
minutes = @total_seconds / 60 % 60
seconds = @total_seconds % 60

text = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds)

self.contents.font.color = normal_color
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::FULL_SIZE_WINDOWS == true
self.contents.draw_text(4, 32, 120, 32, text, 2)
self.contents.draw_text(4, -8, 120, 30, text, 2)
# ● Update
def update
if Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate != @total_seconds

# â–  Window_TimeMapName
# Create the window containing the current play time and map's name.
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::USE_COMBINED_WINDOW == true
# ● Initialize
class Window_TimeMapname < Window_Base
def initialize(x, y)
super(x, y + 4, 160, WLH + 90)
# ● Refresh
def refresh
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(-2, -12, 120, 32, MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::LOC_TEXT)
self.contents.draw_text(-2, 38, 120, 32, MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::PT_TEXT)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(4, 8, 120, 32, $game_map.map_name.to_s, 2)
@total_seconds = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate

hours = @total_seconds / 60 / 60
minutes = @total_seconds / 60 % 60
seconds = @total_seconds % 60

text = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds)
self.contents.draw_text(4, 58, 120, 32, text, 2)
# ● Update
def update
if Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate != @total_seconds
#==================================End Class===================================#
# â–  Scene_Menu
# Update Scene_Menu class to include the new windows.

# ● Start Processing
class Scene_Menu < Scene_Base
alias start_MRA_LocationPlayTimeWindow start
def start
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::USE_COMBINED_WINDOW == false
@playtime_window = Window_Time.new(200, 270)
@mapname_window = Window_Mapname.new(200, 178)
@playtime_window.openness = 0
@mapname_window.openness = 0
@timemapname_window = Window_TimeMapname.new(544 - 160, 243)
@timemapname_window.openness = 0
if $imported["PlaceMission"]
@info_window = Window_Information.new
@info_window.back_opacity = 160
@info_window.x = 160
@info_window.y = 400

# ● Termination Processing
alias terminate_MRA_LocationPlayTimeWindow terminate
def terminate
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::USE_COMBINED_WINDOW == false
#@info_window.dispose if @info_window != nil

# ● Frame Update
alias update_MRA_LocationPlayTimeWindow update
def update
if MRA::LocationPlayTimeWindow::USE_COMBINED_WINDOW == false
#@info_window.update if @info_window != nil
#==================================End Class===================================#

I was able to get a step closer to the menu I want. This is what it currently looks like;


Onto the formal request.

The Request

Most importantly, I would like help adding a "Load" option to the menu between the "Save" and "Exit" commands, as shown in my first picture. I think compatability wise, it should be written with Dargor's Custom Commands script (though I'm not 100% certain it's necessary. I'm no scripter.)

I've never really done anything like this before, so I can't say for certain how difficult this would be, but I just want an option added to bring up the Load Screen (it doesn't need to be a conditional thing, I want people to be able to load another data whenever they have Menu Access.

Script Assistance

As for the other part of this thread... I'm not sure if I should put this here or not, please correct my if I'm wrong.

I'd like help in figuring out how the Dargor Party Changer commands work... Currently, I get an error whenever I try to use the "Order" or "Party" commands.

When I choose "Order" and then a character, I get the following message;
http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/3927/ordererror1uc9.th.png[/img] http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/6584/ordererror2xz7.th.png[/img]
The second image is the line the error is on (sorry the image doesn't reflect this, it's in the Party Changer script [Only things I changed in the script was how many options display on the menu, and took out the icons that appear next to the options.])

And when I choose "Party", I get the following error;
http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/8738/partyerror1cd1.th.png[/img] http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/9016/partyerror2uz6.th.png[/img]
Again, the second image is the line the error is on, and it's in the Party Changer script.

I have several other scripts in currently, but none of them seem to have compatability issues with the Party Changer or Custom Commands scripts, and I moved the scripts into a new project to test, and I still get errors when choosing "Order" and "Party."

I would have asked Dargor himself for assistance on this, but I believe one of those script topics said that he was done taking request, so I didn't want to bother him about it.


I hope this request is understandable/doable. If there's any other information I need to provide to make this process easier, please let me know.

If anyone can help me make that Load option and/or help me to understand how the Custom Command/Party Changer scripts work/fix the errors, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you all for your time. ^_^

Well this should fix the situation. =]
Oh one more thing, if you have another script that changes the Scene_File, please add this script below those script(s) (especially Advance Files by Dargor OR Neo_Saving_System by Woratana)

I just done a small edit that's all, you don't really have to credit me but I would be happy if you do so.
Anyway guess I cannot really help you for the rest. Good luck with your game's success.

# Load Save File in Menu *Add Load command in Menu as well*
# Script by: Azuaya
#   This is intend to load game in-game from menu.

# ** Scene_Title  * Just had to change argument*
#  This class performs the title screen processing.

class Scene_Title < Scene_Base
  # * Command: Continue
  def command_continue
    if @continue_enabled
      $scene = Scene_File.new(false, true, false, false)

# ** Scene_Menu
#  This class performs the menu screen processing.

class Scene_Menu < Scene_Base
  # * Create Command Window
  def create_command_window
    s1 = Vocab::item
    s2 = Vocab::skill
    s3 = Vocab::equip
    s4 = Vocab::status
    s5 = Vocab::save
    s6 = "Load"
    s7 = Vocab::game_end
    @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7])
    @command_window.index = @menu_index
    if $game_party.members.size == 0          # If number of party members is 0
      @command_window.draw_item(0, false)     # Disable item
      @command_window.draw_item(1, false)     # Disable skill
      @command_window.draw_item(2, false)     # Disable equipment
      @command_window.draw_item(3, false)     # Disable status
    if $game_system.save_disabled             # If save is forbidden
      @command_window.draw_item(4, false)     # Disable save
  # * Update Command Selection
  def update_command_selection
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene = Scene_Map.new
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      if $game_party.members.size == 0 and @command_window.index < 4
      elsif $game_system.save_disabled and @command_window.index == 4
      case @command_window.index
      when 0      # Item
        $scene = Scene_Item.new
      when 1,2,3  # Skill, equipment, status
      when 4      # Save
        $scene = Scene_File.new(true, false, false, false)
      when 5      # Load
        $scene = Scene_File.new(false, false, false, true)
      when 6      # End Game
        $scene = Scene_End.new

# ** Scene_File
#  This class performs the save and load screen processing.

class Scene_File < Scene_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  #     saving     : save flag (if false, load screen)
  #     from_title : flag: it was called from "Continue" on the title screen
  #     from_event : flag: it was called from the "Call Save Screen" event
  #     load       : load game from menu *same as from Scene_Title*
  def initialize(saving, from_title, from_event, load)
    @saving = saving
    @from_title = from_title
    @from_event = from_event
    @load = load
  # * Return to Original Screen
  def return_scene
    if @from_title
      $scene = Scene_Title.new
    elsif @from_event
      $scene = Scene_Map.new
    elsif @load
      $scene = Scene_Menu.new(5)
      $scene = Scene_Menu.new(4)
Wow. The script works magnificently, except for one small issue.

When I put it in with the Party Changer and Custom Commands scripts, it doesn't seem to work (when it's above them, it's not present, when it's below, it overrides them in the menu.) Am I supposed to put it in it's own thing above Main? Or does it go in one of the other two scripts somewhere?

Cause if I need to put it into the script, could you please show me where to add it? >.o;

If it's just a compatability issue, would you happen to know of any other ordering/party rearranging scripts that might work better with this script you've given me? I'd hate to not use it, since you were kind enough to give it to me. =D
You have made an excellent request NightmareMMZero :thumb:

Azuaya's script will not work with my Custom Commands script and it will be incompatible with every other scripts using the Custom Commands script.
Mainly because the update_command_selection method has been rewritten and also because he's using "index-based" commands instead of "string-based" commands.

Here's the command addition script:
# ** Game_System

class Game_System
  # * Object Initialization
  alias dargor_vx_system_load_command_initialize initialize
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    index = @menu_commands.index(Vocab::save)
    add_menu_command(index, 'Load')

# ** Scene_Menu
#  This class performs the menu screen processing.

class Scene_Menu < Scene_Base
  # * Alias Listing
  alias dargor_vx_menu_load_command_update_command_selection update_command_selection
  # * Update Command Selection
  def update_command_selection
    case @command_window.selection
    when 'Load'
      $scene = Scene_File.new(false, false, false)

Now, this only adds the command to the window and take you to the loading screen. It doesn't take you back to the main menu when you press the cancel button and will probably not display the map behind the menu. Also, I'm at work right now and don't have VX in front of me so it's not impossible that you encounter a few bugs. Tell me if there's something wrong.

I'll try to finish the loading part of the script tonight, unless Azuaya want's to continue working on it.

About the second part of your request. I'm sure it's because you don't have the Large Party script above the Party Changer. Also, try using the latest version of both scripts.

Take care!
Much appreciated. I didn't realize that I needed the large party to make it work properly. XD

With the large party in, the Order command works perfectly. The "Party" command works better, but not much better. I can actually arrange my party now, but when I try and exit the Party Arranger, I get this error message;
http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/1165/largepartyerror1ox5.th.png[/img] http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/2859/largepartyerror2id5.th.png[/img]

Also, the Load option script you gave me doesn't seem to work (or at least, the "Load" option doesn't appear in the menu.) Does it go in it's own thing above Main? Or am I supposed to add it to one of the other scripts? (and if so, would you please be so kind as to show me where?)

To get to the point... Sorry to be a bother, but am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance. XP
For the first error, does it happens only when you change the party order and exit the Party Changer? (try adding an actor to the party with events just to see if you still get the error).

For the Load Command script, you need to place it above and below the Custom Commands script. I recommand placing it under everything else, just in case. And as I've said, it will not work right now. I only make it appear in the command window but I'll try to complete it as soon as possible. Probably this week end.

Take care!
The Party Changer error happens only when I try and exit the Party Changer. I tried adding a character with events, and it was fine, he went into the reserve and everything. And I can change the party order in battle perfectly, but when I try and do it from the menu...

When I choose "Party" it works fine, nothing weird happens. Takes me right to the party changer.
http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/2217/partyerror5jv4.th.png[/img] http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/4683/partyerror6cn7.th.png[/img]

I set up the party how I want it (I've tried many different combinations, and even exiting without making any changes...)

But once I choose "Accept", I get the error mentioned above.
http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/1165/largepartyerror1ox5.th.png[/img] http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/2859/largepartyerror2id5.th.png[/img]

As for the Load script, I'm not sure what you meant, but when I put the script in above and below the other scripts, I got the following error before the Title screen even came up;
http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/7118/partyerror3zm4.th.png[/img] http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/6843/partyerror4zf0.th.png[/img]

I'm in no terrible rush, I just really appreciate that you're helping me. So whenever you have the time to take a look at it.  =)
It's ok Dargor, you may handle it since I don't know much about scripting >.< well sorry for not being able to help much NightmareMMZero

Best of luck to Dargor with helping you. *Hope this post is accepted somehow and not considered as a spam*
It's okay Azuaya. I'll still credit you for taking the time to try and help me. =)


Since my last post, I have come to a realization... The errors with the Party Changer, and the "Load" option not appearing on the menu were still existing because, like an idiot, it didn't occur to me to start a New Game. XD

My little brother was playing with RPG Maker earlier and started a new file, and when I walked in, I saw that he was using the Party Changer without any errors, and the Load option was on the menu right where it was supposed to be (and he was able to load other files from it too!)
(By the way, the Load script is below the other three scripts currently, and when it's above and below, I still get the before mentioned error.)

The only bug on the menu thus far that still remains, is that the Load option doesn't work 100% properly. It shows on the Menu, and you can flawlessly load other datas from it... The problem is though, that the load screen comes up when you just hover over it.

If you scroll through the Menu, the Load screen will come up when you move over it, instead of waiting for a button to be pressed.


I have one more small (I think it's small anyways) request. I'd like the Order command to play the confirmation/cancel noises when you select an Actor to reorder, or cancel. When using it, I can hardly tell that I'm actually selecting anything because no sounds play. So if it's not much trouble, could you modify a little piece of the code for me that I can just slap in there?

If that request isn't as easy as it sounds, I'll understand though.

With these two things fixed, my dream Menu for my game will be up and running perfectly. =D

Thanks in advance again.  :thumb:
NightmareMMZero":2vtjjm0q said:
The only bug on the menu thus far that still remains, is that the Load option doesn't work 100% properly. It shows on the Menu, and you can flawlessly load other datas from it... The problem is though, that the load screen comes up when you just hover over it.

If you scroll through the Menu, the Load screen will come up when you move over it, instead of waiting for a button to be pressed.
Aw, a stupid mistake >.< I just forgot to add an Input condition.

# ** Game_System

class Game_System
  # * Object Initialization
  alias dargor_vx_system_load_command_initialize initialize
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    index = @menu_commands.index(Vocab::save)
    add_menu_command(index, 'Load')

# ** Scene_Menu
#  This class performs the menu screen processing.

class Scene_Menu < Scene_Base
  # * Alias Listing
  alias dargor_vx_menu_load_command_update_command_selection update_command_selection
  # * Update Command Selection
  def update_command_selection
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @command_window.selection
      when 'Load'
        $scene = Scene_File.new(false, false, false)
I just want to know something. Try opening the loading screen and then press cancel to go back to the menu. I'm sure you'll be taken back the the Title Screen :P If so, I will modify Scene_File so that it works properly.

About the sounds, it will be added in the next version of the script.

Take care!
No, the load option does not take me back to the title screen when I cancel. But that's not a problem. I didn't want it to do so. It's perfect now. =D

As for the sounds on the Order command, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the next version of that script of yours.

Thank you very, very much. My game's menu is now complete. I dunno what else to say. ^_^

I guess this request can be marked as fufilled now. =P

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