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[FILLED] Unique Skill System

Can't remember the last time I requested a script >.>
anyway this is a combination of both KGC's and Momo Momo's skill equip scripts. What I am asking for is a skill system where a character learns a skill, but cannot use it until it is equipped.

Each skill cost a certain amount of AP/EP or whatever to equip and each character has a maximum number of skills slots (defined by the creator) that they have. Its more or less like Star Ocean 3's skill equip system.

And another thing, I need skills with 0 AP to automatically show up in the skill menu, regardless of whether it is equipped or not (KGC's script had this feature although, it may have been a bug)

This may be tricky, but it can be done. I want the skill the be inaccessible until equipped. This would remove any stat bonuses, status immunities/addons that a skill may have when used together with another script.

Momo Momo did this with his/her skill equip script (I have a ill translated copy of it if you wan't to take a peak.) When I used sephirothspawns actor stat bonus script, I added a skill that would increase a players HP by 10%, when I combined it with momo's script, it ignored the stat bonus until the skill was equipped.

Also if its not to much, could it be a SDK and NON SDK version for the other people that may use the script, if it is every created

If you need a copy of the scripts then let me know ^_^
Badda Ba Bump!, Maybe I should've waited another 4 days before I bumped... Anywho I am starting to translate scripts so that should help out with the 100K script request a little.

EDIT: PS How is the new Skill Mana System coming along?
I have worked a bit on this, but not much. Have tons to do, so I just skip around script to script.

Haven't touched the skill mana though since I released it, so no updates yet.

@Ultimoore: The new version of the Actor Stat Bonus System I made includes all of that.
I thought as much xD, I do the same thing with my projects, work on them until I get bored then got to the next one. Unfortunately, it causes me to make a few unneccesary projects that take up space and time
I work about 50 hours a week at a crumby grocery store (no school right now, as I am aiming for a computer programming or engineering job that will pay for school, not that I couldn't get in for free with all my wasted scholarships XD). I script from anywhere to 2-3 hours a day and sleep around the same amount. The rest goes to my family. ^_^

When did this topic become me..?

I have put another 30 minutes into this script, so it should only need about 1 - 2 hours of work left. Should be one of the first follow-up scripts added to the test bed.
Well, I actually lost the old script during an upgrade, so I redid the entire system.

Suprisingly though, it only took about an hour and a half. I am not going into great detail on this, since I am pushing a V.4 of my test bed by New Year's Day, so I am just running through everything as fast as possible, concentrating on the scripts themselves now.

Anyways, here it is: (Note: I have done maybe 5 minutes of testing on this. As of now, equipped skills are only bolded and that is all. Let me know if you want this changed to something a little more flashly.)

# ** Skill_Equip

module Skill_Equip
  # * Equip Buttons
  #  ~ Use nil for no button
  #  ~ Keyboard_Equip_Button requires Near Fantastica's Keyboard Module 
  Input_Equip_Button    = Input::CTRL
  Keyboard_Equip_Button = nil
  # * Equip Points
  #  ~ Start_Equip_Points = { actor_id => points, ... }
  #  ~ Equip_Points_Level = { actor_id => { level => point, ... }, ... }
  #  Note : Use 0 as actor_id for default for all non-defined actors
  Start_Equip_Points = {
    0 => 5
  Equip_Points_Level = {}
  # * Skill Equip Cost
  #  ~ Skill_Equip_Cost = { skill_id => points, ... }
  #  ~ No_Equip_Cost    = [ skill_id, ... ]           Require No Skill Points
  #  Note : Use 0 as skill_id for default for all non-defined skills
  Skill_Equip_Cost = {
    # Set Default For All At 1
    0 => 1
  No_Equip_Cost    = []
  # * Equip Slots
  #  ~ Start_Equip_Slots = { actor_id => slots, ... }
  #  ~ Equip_Slots_Level = { actor_id => { level => slots, ... }, ... }
  #  Note : Use 0 as actor_id for default for all non-defined actors
  Start_Equip_Slots = {
    0 => 5
  Equip_Slots_Level = {}
  # * Skill Equip Slot Cost
  #  ~ Skill_Equip_Slot_Cost = { skill_id => points, ... }
  #  Note : Use 0 as skill_id for default for all non-defined skills
  Skill_Equip_Slot_Cost = {
    # Set Default For All At 1
    0 => 1
  # * Collect Actor Starting Equip Points
  def self.start_equip_points(actor)
    # Starting Counter
    n = 0
    # Starting Actor Equip Points
    if Start_Equip_Points.has_key?(actor.id)
      n += Start_Equip_Points[actor.id]
    elsif Start_Equip_Points.has_key?(0)
      n += Start_Equip_Points[0]
    # Level Points
    if Equip_Points_Level.has_key?(actor.id)
      Equip_Points_Level[actor.id].each do |level, points|
        if actor.level >= level
          n += points
    elsif Equip_Points_Level.has_key?(0)
      Equip_Points_Level[0].each do |level, points|
        if actor.level >= level
          n += points
    # Return Value
    return n
  # * Collect Actor Starting Equip Slots
  def self.start_equip_slots(actor)
    # Starting Counter
    n = 0
    # Starting Actor Equip Points
    if Start_Equip_Slots.has_key?(actor.id)
      n += Start_Equip_Slots[actor.id]
    elsif Start_Equip_Slots.has_key?(0)
      n += Start_Equip_Slots[0]
    # Level Slots
    if Equip_Slots_Level.has_key?(actor.id)
      Equip_Slots_Level[actor.id].each do |level, slots|
        if actor.level >= level
          n += slots
    elsif Equip_Slots_Level.has_key?(0)
      Equip_Slots_Level[0].each do |level, slots|
        if actor.level >= level
          n += slots
    # Return Value
    return n
  # * Skill Cost
  def self.skill_cost(skill_id)
    # Return 0 If No Equip Cost
    return 0 if No_Equip_Cost.include?(skill_id)
    # Return Skill Defined Cost
    if Skill_Equip_Cost.has_key?(skill_id)
      return Skill_Equip_Cost[skill_id]
    # Return Default Cost
    elsif Skill_Equip_Cost.has_key?(0)
      return Skill_Equip_Cost[0]
    # Return 0
    return 0
  # * Skill Slot Cost
  def self.skill_slot_cost(skill_id)
    # Return Skill Defined Cost
    if Skill_Equip_Slot_Cost.has_key?(skill_id)
      return Skill_Equip_Slot_Cost[skill_id]
    # Return Default Cost
    elsif Skill_Equip_Slot_Cost.has_key?(0)
      return Skill_Equip_Slot_Cost[0]
    # Return 0
    return 0

# ** Game_Actor

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :skill_equip_points
  attr_accessor :skill_equip_slots
  attr_accessor :equipped_skills
  # * Alias Listings
  alias seph_skillequip_gmactr_setup setup
  alias seph_skillequip_gmactr_scu?  skill_can_use?
  # * Setup
  def setup(actor_id)
    # Original Setup
    # Sets Up Skill Equip Points
    @skill_equip_points = Skill_Equip.start_equip_points(self)
    # Sets Up Skill Equip Slots
    @skill_equip_slots  = Skill_Equip.start_equip_slots(self)
    # Sets Up Equipped Skills
    @equipped_skills = []
  # * Skill Equipped Test
  def skill_equipped?(skill_id)
    return Skill_Equip::No_Equip_Cost.include?(skill_id) ||
  # * Can Equip Skill Test
  def can_equip_skill?(skill_id)
    return skill_equip_points_left? >= Skill_Equip.skill_cost(skill_id) &&
           skill_equip_slots_left?  >= Skill_Equip.skill_slot_cost(skill_id)
  # * Skill Points Used?
  def skill_equip_points_used?
    n = 0
    @equipped_skills.each {|skill_id| n += Skill_Equip.skill_cost(skill_id) }
    return n
  # * Skill Points Left?
  def skill_equip_points_left?
    return @skill_equip_points - self.skill_equip_points_used?
  # * Skill Slots Used?
  def skill_equip_slots_used?
    n = 0
    @equipped_skills.each do |skill_id|
      n += Skill_Equip.skill_slotcost(skill_id)
    return n
  # * Skill Slots Left?
  def skill_equip_slots_left?
    return @skill_equip_slots - self.skill_equip_slots_used?
  # * Skill Can Use Test
  def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
    # If Skill Equipped
    if skill_equipped?(skill_id)
      # Return Original Test
      return seph_skillequip_gmactr_scu?(skill_id)
    # Return False
    return false
  # * Equip Skill
  def equip_skill(skill_id)
    # Return If Cannot Equip Skill
    return unless can_equip_skill?(skill_id)
    # Equip Skill
    @equipped_skills << skill_id
  # * Unequip Skill
  def unequip_skill(skill_id)

# ** Window_SkillEquipPoints

class Window_SkillEquipPoints < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(actor)
    super(320, 400, 320, 80)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    self.z = 105
    @actor = actor
  # * Refresh
  def refresh(skill_id)
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(0,  0, 288, 24, 'Skill Equip Slots :')
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 24, 288, 24, 'Skill Equip Points :')
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    u = @actor.skill_equip_slots_used?
    m = @actor.skill_equip_slots
    s = Skill_Equip.skill_slot_cost(skill_id)
    p1 = "#{u} / #{m}  ->  #{u + s} / #{m}"
    u = @actor.skill_equip_points_used?
    m = @actor.skill_equip_points
    s = Skill_Equip.skill_cost(skill_id)
    p2 = "#{u} / #{m}  ->  #{u + s} / #{m}"
    self.contents.draw_text(0,  0, 288, 24, p1, 2)
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 24, 288, 24, p2, 2)

# ** Window_Skill

class Window_Skill < Window_Selectable
  # * Alias Listing
  alias seph_skillequip_wndskl_di draw_item
  # * Draw Item
  def draw_item(index)
    # Changes Font Boldness If Skill Equipped
    self.contents.font.bold = @actor.skill_equipped?(@data[index].id)
    # Original Draw Item

# ** Scene_Skill

class Scene_Skill
  # * Alias Listing
  alias seph_skillequip_scnskl_main   main
  alias seph_skillequip_scnskl_update update
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    # Creates Skill Equip Points Window
    a = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
    @sep_window = Window_SkillEquipPoints.new(a)
    # Original Main Processing
    # Dispose Skill Equip Points Window
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Skill Equip Update
    # Original Update
  # * Frame Update : Skill Equip
  def skill_equip_update
    # If Last Index Changed
    if @last_index != @skill_window.index
      @last_index = @skill_window.index
    # If Non-nil Input Button
    unless (button = Skill_Equip::Input_Equip_Button).nil?
      # If Button is Pressed
      if Input.trigger?(button)
        # Equip Skill
    # If Keyboard Enabled
    if SDK.state('Keyboard Input')
      # Update Keyboard Module
      # If Non-nil Keyboard Button
      unless (button = Skill_Equip::Keyboard_Equip_Button).nil?
        # If Button is Pressed
        if Keyboard.trigger?(button)
          # Equip Skill
  # * Equip Skill
  def equip_skill
    # Gets Skill Data
    skill = @skill_window.skill
    # If Free Skill
    if Skill_Equip::No_Equip_Cost.include?(skill.id)
      # Play buzzer SE
    # Gets Equipped State
    equipped = @actor.skill_equipped?(skill.id)
    # If Equipped
    if equipped
      # Play decision SE
      # Unequip skill
      # Redraw Skill Item
      # Refresh Skill Equip Points Window
    # If Cannot Equip
    unless @actor.can_equip_skill?(skill.id)
      # Play buzzer SE
      # Set Help Text
      @help_window.set_text('Not Enough Skill Equip Points')
    # Play decision SE
    # Equip skill
    # Redraw Skill Item
    # Refresh Skill Equip Points Window

Just let me know.
as far as the visuals, its fine nice job, oh and on line 216 I had to change
n += Skill_Equip.skill_slotcost(skill_id) to

n += Skill_Equip.skill_slot_cost(skill_id) to get it running. I was getting a no method error at first :p

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