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[FILLED] Unique Skill System

Can't remember the last time I requested a script >.>
anyway this is a combination of both KGC's and Momo Momo's skill equip scripts. What I am asking for is a skill system where a character learns a skill, but cannot use it until it is equipped.

Each skill cost a certain amount of AP/EP or whatever to equip and each character has a maximum number of skills slots (defined by the creator) that they have. Its more or less like Star Ocean 3's skill equip system.

And another thing, I need skills with 0 AP to automatically show up in the skill menu, regardless of whether it is equipped or not (KGC's script had this feature although, it may have been a bug)

This may be tricky, but it can be done. I want the skill the be inaccessible until equipped. This would remove any stat bonuses, status immunities/addons that a skill may have when used together with another script.

Momo Momo did this with his/her skill equip script (I have a ill translated copy of it if you wan't to take a peak.) When I used sephirothspawns actor stat bonus script, I added a skill that would increase a players HP by 10%, when I combined it with momo's script, it ignored the stat bonus until the skill was equipped.

Also if its not to much, could it be a SDK and NON SDK version for the other people that may use the script, if it is every created

If you need a copy of the scripts then let me know ^_^
Hmmm... I shouldn't... but I LOVE skill systems. :lol:

I will do this, and since I have already updated the Actor Stat Bonus system, I could configure it to work with this.

But I will do this 2.5 ways
  • Make a true skill equip system, where each actor will have x amount of skill slots to equip, and you can control the X value through
    • Call script
    • Stats (Level, HP, SP, etc)
    • All for each actor
  • Make an SEP (Skill Equip Points) system, where each skill cost a certain amount of skill points to equip, and the actor has X amount of Skill Equip Points to use. Again, you will control this number the same ways as above
  • Combo: You get skill equip slots, as well as SEP. Again, same features.

This sounds like a fun system to do. :D
Hmmm... I shouldn't... but I LOVE skill systems.

Yeah you shouldn't, remember your Test Bed that you should be working on :P

Trickster why not add this as a feature to the FFCC Combo slot thingy that we are supposed to be scripting together (We have to get to work on that ;))
Whoa never thought my request would be expanded on so much >.> Maybe I should request scripts more often. Anyway, don't push yourself to far you two. Last thing we need is for you two to burn your brains out scripting xD
Sorry for the bump but i had another idea for the skill equip system. When a certain skill is equipped, a select number of other skills cannot be equipped (For my game it would be a lower rifle expansion, can't have a shotgun and a grenade launcher equipped at the same time :/
Okies. I have a few other scripts to work on first (only 10 or so) to update, a new crafting and reverse crafting for a friend, an updated NPC database thingy for another friend, then this.

Should be in a week or so.

* whips back *
you can lower the priority on this one Sephiroth/Trickster, by the grace of God I have a internet connection at my place now ^^. (I have been over my grandmothers over the past summer).

By the way who is who?
To answer your question yes, but this is only a part of that system. He is working with another part that will have the passive skills (Poison Immunity, etc) on another script so you will have to wait until he releases them both
SephirothSpawn said:
I have a few other scripts to work on first (only 10 or so) to update, a new crafting and reverse crafting for a friend, an updated NPC database thingy for another friend, then this.
I guess you forgot something... *bash* :P (I guess I've been advanced high enough in RGSS to be able to do it by myself before you attempt it ^_^ )

Anyway, I've seen a script some time ago (I don't think it was from neither KGC or Momo, but I'm not sure of that...) that did almost exactly what you requested... it had animated red orbs - should be noticeable... well, with this script as a base, it should be easy to mofdify the few things not included in there...
I think your talking about one of the old Materia scripts. But who knows. I recently started studying RGSS (Its not as hard as I thought but its still hard) so I will hopefully making my own scripts soon. A bit off topic but is anyone familiar with the Japanese scripter Claimh?

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